@wavelength121 And in the opinion of the BBB: http://www.bbb.org/blog/2012/04/mass-effect-3-is-having-a-mass-effect-on-its-consumers-for-better-or-worse/
@wavelength121 That's a funny reaction. When you eat a sandwich from a deli that was disgusting, what are you going to do? You'll most likely not report them to the Health Inspectors, but you'll at least tell your friends that the food there is bad. You're complaining, and rightly so, because you have every right to do so. BioWare made a game that disappointed many fans, so, those fans are complaining. It has nothing to do with what people want or their expectations. There's nothing wrong with voicing your disappointment.
@West_Side_LOgic I agree. I remember back in the day how much I looked forward to Dragon Age, and how that anticipation gradually wore off as I played other video games. Games simply stopped living up to their promises, and honestly, they're not worth getting your hopes up anymore.
@sensesfail99 Considering the fact that the Better Business Bureau noted that BioWare had failed to live up to its promises, I wouldn't say that the people who are "cry babies" have overreacted.
Does anyone know how this game is on PC? I've been hearing rave reviews about it on console and it looks great as well, but we all know how PC ports can be a little iffy sometimes nowadays.
The strategies presented here are all very solid and completely dependable... if you have reliable teammates. The problem with aircraft in BF3 is that they are very, very hard to take down singlehandedly. Of course, you might suggest that this is the point - that one soldier cannot take down an attack chopper realistically anyhow. I agee. However, BF3 is not real life, where troops are trained on how to react and work together in a situation where a jet or attack chopper is bearing down on them. What BF3 needs is Bad Company 2's AT4 - to give skilled individuals on the ground the ability to counter skilled people in the air, which, right now, they cannot do unless they have certain unlocks and skilled team/squadmates. I'm all for team play and teamwork, but sometimes, your friends just aren't online and typing things into team/squad chat takes too long.
I think it's funny how the people who hated the ending lost respect for BioWare, and everyone else lost respect for bioware for making a change to the ending that many people disliked.
This article is completely right. At the same time, however, it doesn't change the fact that the ending is terrible, and that the "small minority" he references is actually a large number of people. I'm completely in ire over the ending of Mass Effect 3, but I've chosen not to vote or participate in any kind of petition. Why? Because before Mass Effect 3, I retreated to the world of video games to escape from the harsher facets of real life, as a way to relieve stress and to immerse myself in a world that catered to my senses. After playing Mass Effect 3, I've realized that this is not the case. I've been waiting for some time to wean myself off my video gaming hobby, and the last entry into the ME series was the straw that broke the camel's back. I care a lot about the ending. But I've also decided to stop playing games. Thus, my vote, and I'm sure many others(for other, very different reasons) were absent from the petition.
@texasgoldrush I'll note that both Baldur's Gate and Deus Ex had good endings, in my opinion. The reason was because I -saw- those endings coming. The ME series essentially built up towards what you believed to be a final confrontation with the Reapers, and - if you had adequately prepared yourself - victory. Unfortunately, in an attempt to be deep and profound, BioWare threw the good storytelling rulebook out the window and into a smoldering pit of fire.
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