@DSCesq @_fark_ I'm not so bothered about the hacking side, I trust whichever company uses this tech will close any holes that appear.
Skype would be pretty cool and seeing your friends while you play but I see those features as small additions, I have a laptop which does this and the XBone can replace that. Face recognition = DRM, I see no other use for this other than saving me the 5 seconds it takes to select on my profile / enter security pass.
Everyone talking about the Kinect. I really do not know if I like it, I mean in theory its great but how much use will I actually get while playing games, not much I think.
On the other hand I feel like MS is trying to force me to buy a camera they are going to use to monitor me and sell my data (reactions to adverts / movies / games) to make a HUGE profit.
I would not be surprised if this is a step towards downloadable games, MS may be testing the water to see if the concept works. Expect to see MS selling new titles over the Xbox Live Market at a cut down price..
@PeterMurphy From one perspective I agree with you, if you lend games out and in return get them lent to you then this is a big negative to you. You going to have to spend money to use this game.
From another perspective you will now be able to buy a game for a fraction of the full shop price and be able to play this game online with friends.
I think there are benefits and negatives to both sides but in the end I think the majority of customers will come out better off in their wallets and their game libraries. Its a fine line between the two and I guess it depends how often you swap / lend game as to which side of the fence you are on.
@mjswooosh @_fark_ Its going to save me money in the long run. I have no need to have a physical disk and don't really lend disks out or have them lent to me so its not really a negative to me.
@sev2010 I agree with what you say, its going to be a big negative not being able to lend a game out. Its essentially going to mean you have to buy a season pass for every game you want to play. On the other hand it means you and your 3 friends can all play the game together online, you could not do this if you lent the game out.
Overall I think gamer's will come out better off as we will be able to pick up new games at a fraction of the cost. Its a radical new model and may fall flat on its face but it may work really well and revolutionize the games console model.
Everyone does realize that Indie Developers can not publish their own games on either the Xbox 360 / PS3 right now..
The only difference with the Xbox One is MS are outsourcing with publishing to a selection of approved publishers. This will reduce the cost of publishing for the Indie Devs, make the process simpler and streamlined. I fail to see the negative here..!!
There have been many problems with MS's handling of Indie dev's and the restrictions they impose, I can only see this move as a way of reducing this, if not removing the problem's all together!
Anyone think it may have just cost too much for them to convert all the XBLA games to the new architecture so they just cut their losses and decided to invest into a more advanced system? They may convert some in the future but I highly doubt they will try to resell games you previously bought.
Anyone think that the used games fee will be a good thing???
I mean come on, really think about it.. you can play a game diskless, you just need to pay a fee to activate. I think some shops will start charging you a small fee to install the game instead of buying it outright. This means you will in essence be able to rent the game indefinitely as long as you don't delete from the console. You don't need the disk to play it so whats the point in buying it outright!!!
_fark_'s comments