@batman90: Let's be clear, she compared herself and like-minded people to German Jews under the Nazi regime. She either has no grasp of history at all, or she was making a comment that made light of the systematic extermination of 6 million people.
@mrbojangles25: I agree with you, but not all Republican are COVID deniers, conspiracy theorists or even Trump supporters. Some people who have voted Trump this time around only voted for him because he was the Republican candidate. You may think this is not a fully though out decision, but as the last few decades have proven, there are people who value party above all.
@homerpyle: Isn't that a case of using someone's likeness without permission? They could sue for "right of publicity," "invasion of privacy" and defamation.
You didn't know? Totalitarians will scream if someone even suggests toning down the sexiness of a female character, but mention the word "penis" and you'll get branded a pervert. That said, not a Joss Whedon fan, and even less after reports of what he did to Ray Fisher.
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