Exactly my thoughts man... I used to buy most Capcom games at launch. Street fighter, RE, DR, etc. NEVER AGAIN... I will not, no matter how good the game is buy it at launch. THEY WILL release a better version, and put the DLC in it or un ultimate, super, freaky edition.
So yeah, I hope developers read this and start thinking about the decision they are making.... who am I kidding, as long as there are morons who buy these things they'll keep pumping them.
And yes, there might be games that i'll buy day-one, but that's very rare (and only after seeing some people response, not paid reviews)... Diablo 3 comes to mind...
this reminds me of ME3 and the hala-paloza they had with the ending... what did bioware said? we'll see... Lol, that's DLC for all of you morons... youtube for me
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