I love the Wii. It is a fun and creative console, and game downloading services like VC and WiiWare impress me. However, the main thing I dislike is the fact that the Wii only has 512mb of storage space. For a system released in late 2006, 512mb is rather unimpressive. I am sure Nintendo could have raised the space to 2gb without any major cost increase, because flash memory is dirt cheap nowadays. Even if it did raise costs, Nintendo could have easily regained the money from people downloading more VC/WiiWare games as a result of extra storage space, so cost is of little concern here.
Due to the Wiis rather limited storage space, I will not be showing much concern for WiiWare, and will focus on XBLA for game downloads. My 360 Elites 120gb HDD > 512 flash memory.
Anybody else feel this Way? Would you support ideas for Nintendo to move to some new SKU with 4gb flash memory?
Yes you have it exactly right. We should judge all games by the memory footprint. This is why PS3 games (Blu-ray) are three times as good as 360 games (DVD9), and 360 games are equivilant to Wii games (DVD9). *sarcasm*
Or to put it another way, yes the Wii storage is restrictive and something needs to be done about it, and no this does not mean the games realeased on WiiWare are at some kind of disadvantage.
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