@Leboyo56 @TomMcShea @adam270391 but...if it had separate trophies it'd be too easy to import your ps3 save on the vita and re-unlock the trophies you already have instantly.
@silverborg13 The current loot system make items rarer based on how many are being sold on the auction. meaning removal of the auction would make all the "rare" items more common.
@Lil_Burrit0 @adam270391 @lonewolf315 that's BS, they haven't moved anyone because they don't have the system setup for transfers yet...and they already confirmed no-one will be allowed to transfer off of legacy servers during the first 6 months.
@lonewolf315 @greenpolyp @Auriken From a financial point of view it's stupid to increases the number of servers right now only to have the mojority of them go unused when the numbers of player drop in a few months after their free trials end.
From a technical point of view, not much will fix the current issues short of more servers, it's probable they will then offer free character transfer to even out the population of the old and new servers.
@IrrationalBeast WoW, TERA, diablo 3, RIFT, Guild Wars 2, The Secret World, Sim City (ok not an MMO but still had server issues). ALL those games had server issues equal to or worse than FF14's recent issues, at least the majority of people can actually play FF14 in its current state (albeit it requires some patience with the login screen and those who got in late can't choose their own server most of the time).
adam270391's comments