@Cristhian_Cobas @adit942 true...but i think there are only a handful of GS users who get thier news on this first rather than reading the articles..dont misundersatnd me..i am not trolling but i think jess would be better utilized on a different show
i honestly dont get the point of this show..she just repeats everything they've already posted on the website rather than anything new feebackula on the other hand is amazing !
@Auriken that's because CD project has earned those praises and there will always be competition even at their end even if they're not publicizing it ..you could be diplomatic and ignore it but seeing that they are two big franchises and are going to release in the same time period....you cant be mad at people for comparing the two
Making a franchise out of a game is good, but releasing the same game annually with a little makeover is just down right pathetic i wish they'd come up with something better AC 4 looks disappointing....take some time out and come up with a quality game..take a cue from the bioshock games
adit942's comments