adrake4183's forum posts
It's NPD, by the way.
And actually, the NPD fully admits its statistics aren't particularly good for PC. I think most people on this board know's the people from OTHER boards that don't seem to pick up on this factoid.
I agree. I think most people on this side of the forum know these numbers at least don't cover digital sales.
I have an HP laptop and i must tell you it's a beast! It has:
1.9Ghz amd truion 64 x2
2 Gbs of ram
nVidia geFORCE 7150m
559mb shared video
64mb dedicated video
I just got this laptop and I can run crysis and a tonne of games on high settings! How is this possible? I don't know much about gaming laptops and stuff, but i was just told my laptop would suck by friends, WRONG clearly,lol how good of a gamming rig is my laptop? im very pleased so far I must say!
Note*** i run crysis on ultra high, 1280x800, 60 fps
Uhhh this isn't true. How are you determining frame rate? Most people with an m type graphic card have trouble playing crysis at even miedium levels.
Well overheating is still the first guess. I would try leaving the case open and maybe putting a fan on it. Does your memory have heat spredders or fins? I can just about guarantee you this is a memory problem and if they aren't overheating you may have a bad piece of memory. One way to test this is to simply swap the memory chips into eachothers slots. Hope that makes sense.
Also is your pc sitting out or under a tight desk? My last pc had 11 fans but if you put it inside a desk it overheated because it still couldn't circulate air around it. There is no question with that rig you are making a lot of heat.
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