Why aren't the Bourne movies on the list?
adrian1480's forum posts
I mean, consoles will always have problems like this as the generation wears on and people try to push the hardware farther than cross-gen titles do.
😁Thank you Starfield😁
Seriously, why it's always a white overweight guy with a beard throwing tantrums over some woke stuff such as picking pronounces during the character creation. 🙄 Kinda makes the rest of us white people look bad, like a stereotype of insecure white-previleged duchebags.
lol the guy got a lot of followers ever since he went ape shit. literally everyone is talking about him since yesterday. this is how you grow as a content creator😎
Depends on what you want your viewership base to look like. I'm not sure the kind of audience that would gather around this kind of messaging is a community you want to have around you. Unless you're just going for the grift, in which case sure.
Appealing to the angry white male incel who got left behind by patriarchy but still believes they are owed something and giving these snowflakes comfort and safe spaces because nobody else will always pays.
Are people willing to admit the party is authoritarian yet? Or is publishing authoritarian plans not enough?
Comical when the left calls for gun control, mandatory vaccines/lockdowns, and more government regulation in almost every aspect of our lives
Those are all things most people are in favor of. Recent polling shows that most Americans (65+% are in favor of universal/socialized healthcare, tougher gun control, and more government regulation especially in regards to taxing the rich and limiting corporate influence).
Even if you are not in favor of it, you would still benefit from it. Literally the opposite of authoritarian. Quite democratic, in fact.
I don't think the government doing what we want it to do equates to authoritarianism. I think we just call that...a government.
In the case of vaccinations or lockdowns where they are not popular, those are emergency situations and arguably the one time where government should step in and more or less save the people from themselves. I suppose that is the barometer for how free your society is; when people complain about lockdowns, you're probably pretty free lol.
Also I don't think anyone was forced to get a vaccine. Maybe if you wanted to continue a certain education or job, sure, but you could just quit. But no one was being snatched up off the street or shot with blowdarts.
Majority of 50% + does not excuse authoritarianism. That's not how that works. Some societies have a majority that believes it's ok to not allow woman to walk around with their face uncovered. You wouldn't say its cool because majority in the area are ok with it. So screw the people who don't like it?
Germany had a clear majority consensus during the Holocaust/WW2. They were still authoritarian facists.
As far as you claiming "you would still benefit from it"
Well that just opinions and extremely debatable.
Here's another example like government trying to force diesel/gas vehicles out.
Id actually make the argument this hurts me but many of the Lefty's would argue "noooo you will benefit because we are saving the planet" and force me to buy some overpriced EV that can't haul shit or do what I need.
Were you home schooled?
It's almost impressive how poor your debating and discussion skills are and it's made me gasp a few times. You're just all over the place with these odd points, poor analogies, and complete hyperbole, flailing around like a small child and unable to just stick with a coherent discussion point. You're so hyper self-centered and individualistic that seemingly any inconvenience is an affront to your freedom, as if we don't all live in a broader society for which some decisions impact all. I suppose laws and regulations are only good if they don't inconvenience you.
I wonder if you'd be in favor of drunk driving so long as nobody ever hits you because you can drink responsibly. Or maybe that's not how societal governance works?
I wonder how you think we got to the near eradication of Smallpox, Measels, Mumps, and Rubella. Or maybe you had irresponsible parents that didn't make sure you were vaccinated. Who knows.
And it seems you know next to nothing about post-WWI Germany or WWII Germany yet are happy to pontificate about it as if you do.
It's almost scary how poor the American education system is. Almost as scary as seeing how conservatives live almost entirely afraid of everything around them. Afraid of bad news. Afraid of growth. Afraid of sober truths. Afraid of people smarter than you. Afraid of people getting opportunities. Afraid of others for the first time being able to chart a course through life in a way which you yourself would demand and expect. Afraid of reality itself. How do you people even function?
Why are you so afraid? Outside of your BS grifter new sources telling you to be (because fear is an easy sell to the underinformed).
What's that old classic quote? Oh yea:
"When you're accustomed to privilege, equality feels like oppression."
Meditate on that.
I'll always remember them for Freespace. 2 amazing games and there really should be a 3rd.
...Though the Volition closing today is a very different company from back then.
Anywho sad to see a dev shut :(.
I was gonna say this.
Descent: Freespace and Freespace 2 were pinnacle gaming experiences. The summit of gaming.
We were robbed of a continuation of that franchise. I'm interested in seeing if anything becomes of that IP. Maybe someone else will buy it and do something with it.
I saw some people saying that at this price, even the Switch online is a better value. Are people high? Sony's psn might be incredibly overpriced for what you're getting, but the Switch online is like paying to play online on a Sega Dreamcast in 1999🤣The fact the they're charging money, ANY amount, is insulting. So lets not cope to that extent...
Indeed. In the end, paying for online play should have NEVER become a thing.
TBH, this is the kind of thing that can make my PS5 my last PlayStation product. I already barely use the thing but when I do I expect to play online. If that's going to be more expensive while also being something I rarely enjoy, I mine as well stop buying the products entirely.
My PC is a better gaming experience anyway. Free online, no input device restrictions (I can play my games with whatever controller from whatever brand I want), no framerate restrictions, no resolution restrictions, no strange bespoke storage solutions, no worry about having to rebuy new controllers every new generation just because.
The value proposition and gap between investing in PC and consoles just continues to grow.
If you all don't have a decent gaming PC yet (and you have the resources to be able to afford to build one), then I don't understand what you're doing.
Hard for me to have an opinion on this. I'm like Asmongold here: I tried Morrorwind, Oblivion, and Skyrim off pure hype alone along with a couple of Fallout games and I realized Bethesda games just aren't for me. I shouldn't have had to invest that much to come to that realization, but none of those games interested me for more than 6 hours total, combined. I may have gotten a bit more out of Fallout but I just don't like the Bethesda gameplay feel and experience at all. So I really can't offer meaningful opinions on whether a game like this sucks or not because it wasn't going to be something I would have enjoyed even if it was the highest rated game of all time.
To me, Bethesda games are impressive in their scope but combat is complete trash, their AI engineering was and is bad, and the visuals suffer due to the scope. But not every game is going to be for me or for you. And that's fine. But it makes criticism feel shallow so I will refrain and let people who enjoy the Bethesda formula speak.
For those who love Bethesda games, is this game good to you all or not?
@appariti0n said: @Serraph105: Oh no, that's not good enough. If nazis are supporting your candidate, that's a serious problem that can't be washed away with a few platitudes. At least those are the rules laid forth by the woke left over the last few years :)
I mean, had Trump publicly denounced them, sure, but calling them very fine people? And telling the Proud Boys to stand by in the most public of public arenas? That's a very different thing. Any honest person would be able to tell the difference.
EDIT. If Biden gets asked about them, and if he finds himself unable to respond with denouncing them in some manner, then we can talk. Of course, if it comes down to Trump in the general election, a person who basically stood by nazis in their various groups, and a hypothetical version of Biden who is unwilling to take a stand against nazis, then we have a situation where it comes down to two nazi supporters, one of whom tried to do everything wrong during his presidency, including an attempt to overthrow an election, and a man who has not done those things.
I'll have to make the shitty choice of supporting the person who at least tries to do decent things in office, acceptss climate science, etc.
Trump has been asked to disavow white supremacists and racism more than any candidate in my life. It's honestly a joke that many on the left still believe this bullshit.
So if I keep start punching you in the face, then do a round of interviews saying I don't believe in violence and don't condone punching people in the face, I know I can count on you to share the video of me doing the interviews instead of pointing people to the two black eyes I gave you.
A life lesson for you, young man: Don't believe what people say, watch what they do.
Trump has shown us more times that we can count that not only is he unoffended by the support of white supremacists and the like; he's been the ring leader. He was the bus driver for the Obama birther nonsense, and that was always pure racism. He was Mr. "Good people on both sides". He was driving the Kapernick outrage (while failing to have the same righteous anger towards the issues that caused the protest in the first place). It's quite transparent and it takes a real cognitive dissonance to not see it for what it is.
Imagine watching that video and with a straight face pretending that you felt like you heard truth or conviction coming from his mouth given his actual policies, behavior, and actions that preceeded and followed. Imagine taking a pathological liar at his word. Imagine being that deep into the kool-aid drinking.
@SUD123456: I was under the impression the bowl topography was chosen to minimize the spread, keep it contained. Maybe that made it more damaging in the area it did touch, though?
I've been to Hiroshima, gone to the museum. The Japanese themselves have stated Hiroshima was militarized, though I am sure there are sources that say otherwise.
In either case, I recommend anyone that happens to visit to Japan spend some time there. It's chilling to walk around and see the city and the museum and stuff, but also inspiring how much has been built back.
Hiroshima did have some militarization.
It was, but not significantly so. It was chosen in part because most of Japan had already been firebombed and they didn't want to bomb Tokyo or sacred locations. There just wasn't a very long list of locations that were still in tact that they could use to fully demonstrate their new weapon. It's why the list of places was so short. The part about the one guy advocating for one place not to be destroyed because he and the wife vacationed there once and liked it is a true story, by the way. Trash people.
Anyway, they certainly knew they weren't targeting exclusively a military installation. Their intention was absolutely to murder civilians while using the military presence it in such a way as to avoid being tried for war crimes by bombing exclusively civilians. IIRC, the bomb was detonated above a hospital.
The ultimate irony, of course, is that the bombs had little if anything at all to do with the end of the war. The Emperor didn't give 2 dusty nickles about Japanese civilians. They were fodder. He had his own goals and requirements for surrender and there was going to be no surrender without the additional agreed upon terms and Russian invasion of Manchuria. Our government's failure to understand what the Emperor was holding out for (and the Emperor's failure to clearly communicate it) cost thousands of additional lives.
History is messy, complex, and fleeting little of it is black and white, good vs evil. Sometimes we're the good guys. Sometimes we're definitely the baddies.
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