[QUOTE="Rosencrantz"]The fact is that if anything is going to kill XBL it is going to be Microsoft themselves. They have full control over it and they profit off of it. Meanwhile developers get little to nothing out of the deal. I predict that if other consoles can gain enough of a percentage of their user base, developers will focus more on them. Developers don't like that the PS2 online is unreliable in terms of who will buy into it. However, they love the fact that they have full control over their own product...something XBL doesn't exactly offer.
Having said that, right now the user base for online shows no signs of breaking through that %10 point. So to argue that nobody else can compete is like going back in time to the 80s and asking Sega to compete with the Power Glove. It's stupid and not worth the time at this point.
Developers aren't getting anything by being on XBL? They have the benefit of having online available to their games without having to run servers or maintain all the services that XBL does for them. They also have a ready medium through which they can distribute extra content.
This opens the door to developers not as big as EA to actually get their games online.
Online, in turn, is a decent selling point for a game.
Comparing the support that devs/pubs give XBL as opposed to PS2 online.... that says alot.
And did someone mention MICROTRANSACTIONS?
Last I remember, devs were exstatic about being able to sell DIRECLY TO THE CONSUMER in this way. I'd be my left pinkie finger that Bungie made out like bandits on those newly released maps that most propbably bought via Live. No packaging or shipping costs for Bungie incurred. just straight $$$$$.
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