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#1 adrian1480
Member since 2003 • 15045 Posts

[QUOTE="adrian1480"] [QUOTE="InsaneBasura"][QUOTE="InsaneBasura"]Trailer.ps2_rocks234

LMFAO! "Saint's Row b**** :lol: The game looks decent though. As in just like GTA only with physics.


Was that a Helicopter I saw in that trailer?
I thought the word on the street (and the championship argument against the 360's DVD drive) was that the "limitations of DVD" don't allow for them to use such flying machines? Have the haters who said that the 360 was incapable of such things just been self-owned?

Other than that, the trailer did not excite me in the least. Like you said, it looks like GTA, but with some impressive physics AND AI (look at the crowd of people on fire). But some of the clips in that video were from E3, so I don't know if I'd consider that new footage to base opinions on...

WTF? thats like GTA3 u can see the helicopter but CANT drive it, u stupid whore.! come back when u can drive it. :lol:

o really?  now what prompted that, exactly?
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#2 adrian1480
Member since 2003 • 15045 Posts
[QUOTE="AdrianWerner"]What's with lemmings hyping games by crappy developers? I mean: fullAuto by makers of cell damage Timeshift by makers of Will Rock Prey by makers of Dead Man's Hand and now makers of Punisher

Hold the phone, Werner. Volition also made

Descent & Descent 2 (PC 3D classic)

Descent Freespace & Freespace 2
(perhaps the best Sci-Fi space shooter ever for PC)

Red Faction & Red Faction 2 (which was one of the better FPS experiences and had innovative features of its own last gen)

there will be no bad-mouthing Volition today. this game may suck in the end, but bad-mouthing VOLITION'S HISTORY just won't do.

you phail.

(by the way, my first name is Adrian too. rock on...)
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#3 adrian1480
Member since 2003 • 15045 Posts
[QUOTE="2FacedJanus"]from the looks of it... it's a failed gta clone allready... jaggy as hell... inconsistent framerate.. and the whole artstyle of the game is too toy-like. Oh and then it's another game about being gangsta (and we all know there's a gangsta overkill at the moment (gangsta = t3h suxxorz))

"jaggy as *ell"

"inconsistent frame rate"

60% complete, my good man.

As for the toy-like opinion...well...that's a matter of art direction.
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#4 adrian1480
Member since 2003 • 15045 Posts

[QUOTE="adrian1480"] [QUOTE="z_gaming_master"]Saints row is nothing more than a GTA: San andreas clone, when Rockstar releases the next GTA on ps3 the developers will wish they'd waitied and cloned that instead.McLarenAK47

That's not true. Go read a preview.

yah but its qute stupid to compare a nextgen title to a current gen title. dont u think. lets wait till the GTA thats coming out for the ps3 hit shelves then we can compare.

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#5 adrian1480
Member since 2003 • 15045 Posts
Wow. I don't care if that is the best game ever. The song in the preview trailer is one of the worst I've heard in a long time.rvcontre

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#6 adrian1480
Member since 2003 • 15045 Posts
Saints row is nothing more than a GTA: San andreas clone, when Rockstar releases the next GTA on ps3 the developers will wish they'd waitied and cloned that instead.z_gaming_master

That's not true.  Go read a preview.
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#7 adrian1480
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Crackdown > Saints Row.

IMO.  Mark my words.

Crackdown seems to reinvent the sandbox.  SR seems to be more of the same.  Just a bit better.
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#8 adrian1480
Member since 2003 • 15045 Posts
LMFAO! "Saint's Row b**** :lol: The game looks decent though. As in just like GTA only with physics.


Was that a Helicopter I saw in that trailer? 
I thought the word on the street (and the championship argument against the 360's DVD drive) was that the "limitations of DVD" don't allow for them to use such flying machines?  Have the haters who said that the 360 was incapable of such things just been self-owned?

Other than that, the trailer did not excite me in the least.  Like you said, it looks like GTA, but with some impressive physics AND AI (look at the crowd of people on fire).  But some of the clips in that video were from E3, so I don't know if I'd consider that new footage to base opinions on...
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#9 adrian1480
Member since 2003 • 15045 Posts
[QUOTE="InsaneBasura"][QUOTE="adrian1480"] [QUOTE="InsaneBasura"][QUOTE="adrian1480"]"The visuals are shaping up, although we’ve been told they are only at about 60% in the build we saw. That means no depth of field, no anti-aliasing, and stuttering framerate.The final game will hit 30 fps, which is impressive when you consider the size of Southern Cross and the amount of activity."

-from the original article.

Meaning the actual quality of the graphics won't improve much, if at all. And why the hell does he think it's impressive the final version will run at 30FPS? :| What the f? 30FPS is a god damn requirement not an achievement.

Doesn't the final sentense answer your last question?
Like, why would you bold HALF of a sentence...then ask a question that the UNBOLDED part of the sentence later answers? Where are you from? Who does that?

No? :| I found it to be irrelevant as a 30FPS framerate can not be impressive, as it is the absolute minimum acceptable. I wanted to higlight the fact that he finds a 30FPS framerate impressive, which is ridiculous. That's like saying this car is impressive for having four wheels.

Gotcha.  Yea, it definitely sounded wierd.  30fps is *not* an achievement.  But maybe he just wrote it poorly.  I don't know exactly how advanced your journalism degree has to be to write for a VIDEOGAME website.  For example, had he said "this game will remain a solid, consistent 30fps, which we consider truly impressive in lieu of massive scope and scale of Southern Cross that they are able to bring with no load times anywhere, real-time state-of-the-art physics and particle effects and AI all going on at the same time.  Maybe in a game with half of the size of Southern Cross...but nothing of this magnitude this soon." we probably wouldn't be having this discussion.
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#10 adrian1480
Member since 2003 • 15045 Posts

[QUOTE="adrian1480"] [QUOTE="G4mbl3"] [QUOTE="adrian1480"]"The visuals are shaping up, although we’ve been told they are only at about 60% in the build we saw. That means no depth of field, no anti-aliasing, and stuttering framerate. The final game will hit 30 fps, which is impressive when you consider the size of Southern Cross and the amount of activity."

-from the original article.

It still looks like crap. Depth of field and anti-aliasing can only help so much. The textures looks bland and muddy. I'd rather play GTA SA than that piece of crap. I smell another Getaway.

Bland and muddy? Are you basing these opinions off of that ONE picture? A few more are below. Maybe they don't look so "bland and muddy" do you. In fact, they look just the opposite: vibrant and sharp. And keep your perspective: 60%. If its buttery smooth and the physics are on point, it could also be a winner.

now really, i could care less about whether or not this game is any good. It's not my type of game. But let's at least have some balance in the conversation so that we can talk about something's pros and cons. In the last pic, the guys boots and socks alone should shore up your issues with "textures" being bland and muddy.

Its better but still not that great.

Agreed.  We'll all see what happens.  I'm just trying to provide some counter-balance.