LMFAO! "Saint's Row b**** :lol: The game looks decent though. As in just like GTA only with physics.[QUOTE="adrian1480"] [QUOTE="InsaneBasura"][QUOTE="InsaneBasura"]Trailer.ps2_rocks234
Was that a Helicopter I saw in that trailer? I thought the word on the street (and the championship argument against the 360's DVD drive) was that the "limitations of DVD" don't allow for them to use such flying machines? Have the haters who said that the 360 was incapable of such things just been self-owned?
Other than that, the trailer did not excite me in the least. Like you said, it looks like GTA, but with some impressive physics AND AI (look at the crowd of people on fire). But some of the clips in that video were from E3, so I don't know if I'd consider that new footage to base opinions on...
WTF? thats like GTA3 u can see the helicopter but CANT drive it, u stupid whore.! come back when u can drive it. :lol:
o really? now what prompted that, exactly?
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