Kevin seems to forget that the game was advertised as a "lightweight" rpg from the get go. Criticizing it for being shallow when it is marketed as such seems a bit dishonest to me.
Beyond that the written review is ok-ish even though it does leave out certain things (like the technical aspects) but the video-review is very very poor. Worst I've seen from Kevin in a long while. I think Danny would done a much better job reviewing this as it's his brand of humor.
@DWalker131 @Martyr77 Took me about a year of trolling trying to get on there and in the end I go it when I wasn't evne trying. All I had to do was say "It is my opinion that all next gen consoles suck"
@Maj_Wood @adrianjarca Yep, console peasents. Dirty, glue eating 12 year old peasents for whom xbawks and playuhstation are the be all end all of gaming.
@chisei_fuuma @hitmanxmk Nope, much simpler than that. GameSpot no longer gets exclusive footage, demos, interviews, etc and is no longer invited to conferences unless it gives a good review to games released by that publisher.
Wehy do you think CoD, FIFA, Rome II, Battlefield 4 got such good scores from reviewers and such poor scores from the community?
adrianjarca's comments