What irish guy and what website? All I see is a German and a newspaper :)
I agree with the video though. CoD rode the "fifa of fps" wave for so long that people will instantly jump at anything that brings even the slightest of innovation. Activision has a very interesting choice i nfront of them: either drastically alter a treid and true formula that works every year or take the risk of becoming irrelevant/obsolete.
@Grenadeh @adrianjarca That';s not definition I had in mind, because according to it you are a gamer as well, and to call you that would be to insult the entire industry.
@Driscoal @adrianjarca No the number 3 solely means that it's the third game in the series, not that it's a direct sequel to 2. A game be part of series without actually being a sequel to the game that came before it.
@Driscoal Let's see. Are D2 and D3 placed in the same universe? Yes. Are they part of the same series? Yes. D2 allows you to do XYZ and has such and such gameplay. Does D3 allow you to do XYZ, and is it's gameplay similar* to that of D2? No. Is D3 a direct sequel to D2? No because it has more differences than points in common with D2.
*By similar I'm no referring to the gameplay elements that make both games hack&slash.
I have no idea what you are trying to say in your colors example.
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