I get ideas for commercials, and they mostly have something to do with whatever TV show I'm obsessed with at the time:
Locke, Kate, Sun, Jin, Jack, Hurley and the other castaways are sitting round a campfire eating boar. Sawyer picks up a jar of Dharma Initiative salsa, reads the label, makes his usual face and disgustedly says:
"Hey, this stuff's made in New York City!!!"
"New York City!!!"
Another commercial would be Kate standing outside her tent, looking at the ocean and the men of the island taking notice of her. Kate's voice-over:
"Men never looked at me the same until my new Playtex cross-your-heart bra....."
Another commercial would be Charlie delivering a pizza from the hatch to Claire and her baby.
"You got delivery?"
"It's Digiorno...."
Another commercial would be Hurley, Locke, Sayid and Desmond running from the polar bear. Hurley reaches the beach, looks to the camera and says:
"Never would have made it if it wasn't for my Nike air-compressed sneakers...."
Another commercial would involve clips from various episodes. we see Sayid toss a mango to Hurley. the narrator says, "One mango, $4"
A scene of Arzt holding a stick of dynamite. "One stick of dynamite, $15."
A scene of Locke dragging a boar to the beach. "One boar, $150."
Jack fitting Sawyer for glasses. "New Pair of Glasses, $350."
Final scene is a shot of Zeke, Juliet and Ben. "Knowing there really are Others, priceless!"
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