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aesgaard41 Blog


Halloween is here again. This time of the year always means to me scary movies and new documentaries on true ghost stories, but it also brings out my biggest pet peeve as all these horrible Halloween attractions pop up everywhere. To me, a real haunted house invokes images of ghosts, shadows, disembodied voices, strange noises and images of a disappearing figure, but if you go to a haunted house attraction, you get psychos in hockey masks, psychos with chainsaws, psychos with machetes, psychos on top of other psychos........ Psycho serial killers have as much to do with haunted houses as extra-terrestrials, but they're seen at every attraction. What ever happened to the good old haunted house attraction of yester year that actually scared you? You know what happened, it was ruined by Hollywood's facination with serial killers.

The New Horror Network, Heh, Heh, Heh.......

There's finally a Horror Network coming out to replace the tired old and not-worth watching Sci Fi channel. It's called Fear.Net and I'm hoping it will run more of the classic and forgotten horror movies of yesterday and less of the really bad rush-to-video low budget crap that SciFi Channel is obsessed with. Unfortunately, it's only on Digital Cable where only the people rich enough to afford it will be able to see it.

Why Can't They....

Has anyone really looked at how far VCRs have come since the Late Seventies? They've now got clocks, timers, you can watch one show and record another, they've been merged with DVD players, stereo systems, they're merged with TVs... they just keep getting improved, but why is it the creators and electronic experts that be can't think of putting in a battery to hold all the programming for longer than three seconds. Everytime the power gets knocked out in my neighborhood, I'm faced with an hour of resetting the clock ACCURATELY so it does not cut off the first few minutes at the beginning of my TV shows or the endings as well as resetting all the times for all the TV Shows I regularly watch or the movies I'm hoping to catch. I mean, come on, a simple battery that can hold the clock and start/stop times. My twenty-year old alarm clock can do that, and it doesn't even have a stinking microchip in it like the VCR does. I mean, if they could talk to each other, my alarm clock would be calling my VCR an idiot!   

Never Believe Them When they Say....

"Time Approximate After Game" I have been disappointed time and time and time again waiting for idiot televised sports games to end to I can see my favorite TV series or movie that only runs once in a blue moon. I stayed up past midnight to watch MadTV last Saturday and despite what FOX claimed, it never DID come on. Geest! With al those d*** sports channels my cable provider forces me to pay for, could we just not have televised ball games taking up primetime network time and instead stick them where the people who actually watch sports can pay to see them.

Vince and Jen... Phftt

I'm now hearing of the latest Hollywood break-up, yep, Vince Vaughn and Jen Anniston. This just goes to my theory that celebrities only date celebrities and when they marry, the marriage contract is really treatred like a Hollywood contract. "I'd like to play being your boyfriend/husband." This way, they don't really have to show any emotion to each other except after they break up and then all the claws and insults are out. Can anyone list more than ten Hollywood couples who have really lasted? 

It'll be a Croc that Gets Him?

I'm grieving over the loss of Steve Irwin. I always assumed he'd be around long enough that I'd get to meet him and share croc stories. At least, he went while doing what he loved most; a lot of people don't even get that much. Steve, I'll miss you much and if I had the chance, I'd want to play you in the movie of your life.

New Points!

I finally reached Level Ten and I'm looking to edit and add episodes for another series. Sure my websites haven't been updated in a while, but no one was looking at them anyway!


I've got a very vivid imagination, and it often comes out in my short stories. Frequently in my life, I have had "memories" of movies and episodes of tv series that don't exist. For a long time, there was a episode of Xena I was waiting to repeat until it dawned on me that it must have come out of my unconscious mind. It sort of happened again. I recently saw "Superman Returns" with Brandon Routh and it must have stayed in my sub-conscious till recently because I had a dream that Britney Spears was going to play Supergirl in the next sequel. It sounds like a ridiculous notion because she's no longer in shape to go touring, but now I can't get the idea out of my head of Britney, buffed, beautiful and in shape once more, in that costume, doing all the thing Routh did in the movie. I guess I'll have to turn it into another short-story.

Real or Not?

I've got this website out there dedicated to haunted house movies. The site is meant as a guide for behind the scenes information on the locations in popular and obscure ghost movies, but I create the pages from the auspices of a fictional ghost society researching these sites. It says on the title page this is "A fictional ghost society for fictional haunted houses," but I must be doing a REALLY good job on these descriptions because every couple weeks I still get an e-mail from SOMEONE wanting directions to visit these locations. Weird, huh? I wonder if they ever notice the name of the movie/tv series down below on the descriptions?