@blackpuddytat @King_Wii Yes I think Steam Box will allow modding simply because the Steam Workshop (modding support of Steam) is a basic feature of Valve and if the Steam Box is truly a Steam experience, then the workshop will come along with it.
The player's experience and skill, framerate and latency are far more important factors to make a better gamer than resolution. Although resolution does play a key role, it's not the primary factor to be considered.
@mpeg3s I have a 1 year old GTX 670 at it runs almost all games at 1080p but when playing MMORPGS (specially in heated action) where 50 to100 people are on screen spamming spells and skills will cause some stress on the video card. Most competitive pc gamers during tournaments sacrifice all graphic quality in favor of a constantly high frame rate.
@Geminon Are you serious? Valve has clearly shown time and again that their users come first. They have yet to murder ANY of their franchises like EA, Ubisoft and Capcom are doing by milking it try with Yearly releases. it's actually refreshing that they make new games and new IPs rather than drive their old IPs to the dust. I play on all gaming platforms and Steam by far has the best service I have seen.
@Zeraqis The keyword is Prototype bro, the system is not yet finalized and I bet valve is just testing different hardware and see which combination works best for the gamers.
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