@Godokuno_Dan And when your precious exclusives loose support and from MS, Sony and Nintendo rendering them uplayable, and when the consoles get phased out...only the PC remains to provide you with backwards compatibility to play your "console exclusives".
@NaNoSQDX A $600-700 PC Build is enough to play most of the latest video game releases this year. You don't have to upgrade ever year and the capability of a PC to swap out its parts means that you don't have do discard the whole machine if one hardware breaksdown unlike what happens with consoles. As for the mouse and keyboard, well you do know that you can just plug in a 360 controller on a PC and play right?
@St0Ne4Ge There are People like me who constantly travel and is hardly at home to play on my PC. Since consoles are too big and burdensome to bring during these business trips, a Steam Box on my pocket seems like a better choice (specially since I prefer my PC games). Lets face it, the compact size has many advantages so some people will buy the Seam Box because of such necessity not necessarily for vanity.
If its the Steam Box: I'll be excited and probably will purchase one. I do a lot of work related travels and having my Steam Library in my pocket to plug and play in a hotel is more convenient than hauling my 360.
If its Half Life 3: Will also be glad that its finally being released after all this years. To be honest, I was more interested on the great story of half life than the actual mechanics of the Source engine. Would also be interesting to see how HL3 fairs against the sales number of GTA V.
If its Source Engine 2: Also nice but I'll be more interested to see on what kind of next generation games can potentially be made out of it.
@BamaGoatt Realistically speaking and in a business related point of view, Microsoft, Sony and Nintendo will NEVER let Steam inside their Consoles because each company with their respective console, has monopoly over the digital market like Live & PS Plus. Imagine how much digital sales they would loose if Steam comes in with their 75% discounts given out in a daily, weekly and monthly basis.
@RicanV @SgTFuzzy-18 $60 for 102 of gameplay (at most), compared to a $15 game that has 1000+ hours of gameplay (at least). I wonder who got more for the value?
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