@NorwegianWinter @aeterna789 @GamerOuTLaWz I agree, the core component that made Dead Space 1 a success was the fact that you were ALONE, low on ammo, low on health, and have to seriously ration your supplies instead of just buying it online.
@GamerOuTLaWz @aeterna789 I think you got me all wrong, I am playing the game and I do like it, though I just kinda feel a bit of the horror is already being replaced.
Saying gun based video games can influence violent and homicidal thoughts and actions is like saying Tetris promotes OCD, SimCity to Urban Planning, Sports Games making superstars. If thats the case, how come I'm not an NBA superstar now?
Description says its story driven, not all games need "realistic" graphics inorder to be good, nor do they need some very expensive and graphic cinematic to make the game enjoyable.
aeterna789's comments