@Elaisse Though I agree with you that this game would look amazing if it was built from PC spec. I think the devs also wanted for everyone to enjoy it. A trimmed down graphics would enable console players, and low-end PC gamers to experience the game too. In the end, the game looks great and should be fun.
It all depends on the people buying it. If they can afford to spend extra cash, why not? My only collector's edition would be the Shogun 2 samurai model and makes a pretty nice decoration.
@LeonRedfield334 Though I'm a fan of Dead Space franchise and like ALL games including 3. I believe that the primary source of hate coming from the rest of the community would be the shameless attempt to milk and exploit the fanbase through the Day-One DLC almost worth a total of $50 on top of the already $65 full price retail.
How can they say that selling a game around $65 compounded with a $50 first day DLC, can be considered a flop if it does not reach at least 5 million sales?
aeterna789's comments