@blackothh come on, it's not even close to Zune or Bling or XBOX ONE or Surface or Intellimouse Explorer. No one is going to be as bad as MS at naming stuff.
@redder1111 @deathblow3 He made something, you have done nothing, but somehow feel entitled to whine and fuzz over nothing. You are a symbol of what's wrong with gamers.
@dem5000 @Axile11 @VeeArSick To me old school meant playing street fighter 2, mario kart, bomberman and fighting games on my NeoGeo with my younger brothers and my schoolmates. It was a full house every afternoon. Good times!
@LordCrash88 @Sidburn19 Yeah, really. . 12 controllers? Anger management issues perhaps? extras just in case you lose your temper and smash one on the floor?
@kluberpt @thermalmotion English is my 3rd language and I have no problem understanding her at all. You Sir. must leave your room and do a little traveling, learn a new language, it can only help.
ahpuck's comments