@MarioKovacic11 I can afford to buy both systems, but the xbox has always been a piece of crap, so I'll never bother with it. From the RROD, to the overpriced harddrives, to the battery powered controllers to the forced kinect. . there is absolutely nothing that attracts me to it. PS for life.
Completely disagree with this post. I was skeptical at first, didn't even buy the game till two weeks ago. Once I started playing it, I couldn't stop, I finished it in about 3 days, then started it again. I just started playing it for the 3rd time. Haven't had this much fun with a TR game since the very first TR on PSX. Unlike the previews numbered TR series, I'm really looking forward to what's next for this Laura.
It's like the stock market, only you're guarantied to not get any money back. If the business is a success someone else takes all the money and if the business goes bad, they don't lose any money but, you do. This business model is so one sided is not even funny. I will never give any of these guys a dollar.
@Poodger @ahpuck LoL gives me a headache, I'm all for slower paced games now days. Good thing there are plenty of games for plenty of different tastes out there.
Imagine all the thing that could be accomplished, if all those millions of people were doing something actually worth doing. Like playing (insert your game here).
ahpuck's comments