Social media is a double edged sword, you can use it to promote your product and speak your mind, but it can also cut you up real good. I maybe one of the few people without a myspace, facebook, twitter account, it just seems pointless to me. All I hear coming from these type of media is misery and not much else.
@v00d00m4n Give it up, man, you're not going to change their mind. I'm with you, tho'. DXHR is one of the most overrated games ever. I played it for about 2 hours, laughed my ass off at how bad it was and took it back. Good thing I got it used and was able to get my money back.
@Deathstroke_69 @telaros It's ALWAYS been this way, from the days of the NES vs Master System, to the Genesis vs SNES (heck Sega was bashing Nintendo themselves, not just their fanboys). It's the internet that made this what it is today, back in the day it was just the neighborhood kids, or your classmates making fun of you for having the "inferior" system, now days it's every kid with an internet connection.
ahpuck's comments