So from reading all of the posts, it seems like the build I posted is fine except for the weak GPU and unnecassry CPU. You guys also think I should build my own. I'm telling you guys, I think I would actually break something. I don't mind paying a bit more if it is done for me. It's probably the best option for someone like me. I think I will look for a PC on the HP site that has an i5 like Bpoole said and replace the gpu with a GTX 570 or Radeon 7850.
EDIT: Didn't see these recent posts and Bpooles message. Is buying prebuilt really that bad? Bpooles suggestion looks pretty good though and it will turn out cheaper in the long run. If I can find a place around me that will put all of that together I might go with his suggestion. I got some thinking to do.
There are a few problem with the HP prebuild systemother than what you mention here. I will break it down for you.
1. Case is terrible. Terrible because it will be very small and difficult work with if you want to change the powersupply(you need to) and of course video card. Also a lot of video cards won't even fit in that case and if they do, it will be super tight like bending it to the side and you may even break the PCI-E slot or videocard connectors installing it.
2. The power supply is trash. It will defenitely not be adequate to power your system with a decent card. Especially if you want to overclock which you should if you are spending the money to get a K processor.
3. The motherboard is trash. Why settle for the junk they give you when you can get at least a middle end ASUS or Gigabyte board? If you're going to overclcok ASUS boards do it for you. You can get your CPU to 4.2 GHZ without any work at all. Just flip a switch and you're there.
4. Your system will come with a bunch of bloatware that will slow down your boot times and just be a hassle to deal with all around. And you won't get a copy of Windows 7. This means if you ever have a problem with a virus and you need to re-install Windows, you can't. It's much better to you a full copy of Windows 7 especially since you paid for it.
5. CPU cooler is stock. That is trash. You can get a nice cooler for ~$30 which will allow you to overclock very nicely while keeping your CPU cool. I personally don't go crazy with overclocking. I just have my i7 3770k at 4.2 Ghz. But I still think it's nice to do so with an aftermarket coole that is super quiet and keeps things very cool.
6. The price may seem nice at ~$900 but when you add the expense of a new PSU and Video Card then it really isn't very cheap at all.
If you absolutely don't want to build your own PC I understand. That's fine. What I would do in that case is buy one from
You can hand pick the parts, they offer free shipping with some of their builds and the price will be just a tad bit higher than if you were to build it yourself.
They also offer you a 3 year warranty and lifetime 24/7 technical support.
Go to their website and go down to the Mega Special II and customize it to your liking. It starts at $1025 but offers free shipping and I have found it to be the best value compared to pricing out any other of their specials.
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