Dear all F1PU members,
I have origianlly founded this union to create a place for passionate F1 fans to discuss everything related to F1 and its video games. For around 2 years, I have ran this union through thick and thin. I have ran this union when there were less than 100 memebrs and barely an active officer. Those were probably the toughest days on the F1PU, but we managed to survuve.
I have always been there for the F1PU; however, and due to some personal problems, my activity in the F1PU dropped significantly in the last 2 months. As I said in a previous post, I know that my personal problems shouldn't affect the union, but it couldn't be helped. I appologize form the bottom of my heart to all the dear memebrs and officers.
Throughout those 2 months, there were 2 officers who helped to keep things running during my absence; namely: BlaZe_irl and kipi19. Those 2 were examples of good officers and I've always had faith in them, until the online meeting we held today...
You see, recently kipi have started his own F1 union. He initially stole the term "passion" and used the word "passionate" in his union's name; clearly a disgusting crime by steeling our beloved F1PU's theme. As the leader of the F1PU, I couldn't stand for anyone stealing the name of our union and using it for his own union. Therefore, I gave a warning to kipi to change the name of his union immediately, he appologized and changed it to something else.
In this meeting, me, Redders, blaze and kipi were to discuss and mainly solve the problem of having 2 separate F1 unions. Kipi suggested affiliation, but I did not see that in the benefit of the F1PU and its members. Therefore, I clearly stated once again that: The F1PU will continue working independent on any other union". However, that didn't seem to please kipi. the meeting was going fine after that until kipi ignited the converstaion with inappropriate words. Kipi started using extremly offensive and inappropraite language. Although I gave him a warning and asked him politely to watch his language, yet he insisted on keep on insulting me using extremly bad language.
I was shocked to see that coming from an officer who I though was a role model for officers. I couldn't believe that that bad-mannered kipi was indeed the kipi I have come to know throughout the time period we worked together at the F1PU! Then he even asked me to step down from my position as the leader of the F1PU and he put his name as a candidate; clearly it shows that all he wanted was the leadership position at the F1PU.
Despite my deep frustration and disappointment, I beared with the situation trying to save the F1PU administration. I invited him again along with Blaze to throw everything behind our backs and start fresh new, yet they didn't seem to like the idea, and kipi kept insulting me. However, the situation reached an unbearable point where the offensive language became just too much for me to accept, and as a result, I had to demote kipi.
As for Blaze, he has always been an excellent officer who quickly gained my respect. However, we couldn't come to an agreement in the meeting, and as a result he decided to resign.
Despite the unbearable amount of offensive language that I took, I still highly appreciate all the contributions of those two fine officers who have done a lot for the F1PU. Nevertheless, we cannot continue working together with the lack of respect.
The bottom line is, I have respected eveyone in this union; but when someone does not show you respect then you cannot work with him. I ask you dear memebrs and remaining officers to work with me as one hand to bring the glory back to the F1PU.
As a leader, I'll always be available for your questions via PM for the next 3 weeks, since I have a break till then. And even after that, I'll be here most of the time for you dear members. We are trying to revive this union, but we'll need you support dear members, without you this place serves no purpose.
For those of you who ask why did I demote kipi; do you understand now my reasons? Do you really want to have such an officer who have shows no respect to others; slamming them with insults and inappropriate language? Do you want someone who even stole the F1PU's theme (passion) and used it in his own F1 union? I don't think that's an example of a good officer.
Thank you so much for taking time to read this long letter, and I hope that I'll see you on the board as much often as possible. Please remeber that my door is always open for your questions via the PM.
I promise you, as the leader, to be there when you need me.
Kind regards,
The F1PU Leader (aloushi87)
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