Bothe consoles have shitty games right now, thats how its always been during launch windows. Bottom line though is the games worth playing like cod, battlefield and assasin creed , the Ps4 has the better versions.
You paying more than £100 for kinect. the xbonem is inferior to Ps 4 in terms of hardware so it would have been cheaper. Its the kinect that made the xbone so expensive. My calculations have the kinect at £150. You say you prefer the xbone one, thats fine i assume you dont care about graphics, thats fine.
The ps 3 had a better cpu only, but it was a cpu and software architecture that the games companies didnt have a clue what to do with. Only games that were Sony exclusives looked good. assuming Sony helped them. The xbox 360 actually had a better gpu than the ps3, and this is what matters to games companies. so sorry dude you are wrong in your assessment.
The Ps 4 however trully has a more powerful gpu and a great architecture this time around . The benefits of which we already seeing , during launch window (games run on 1080p on ps 4 and 720p on xbone).If Sony capatilize on this early victory , This gap can get even bigger later down the line.
Did you even read my post.. i already said that people were more apt ti release cure years ago, so why would you bother talking about those old cure /facepalm.
Vaccine for flu? did that even work lol? we aint talking about vaccines , we talking about cures. Theres money in vaccines dude asx every one has to get it , and it can run out in the body.
Im sorry but you just clue less on how modern pharmaceutical companies even work. Cause of their strict privacy laws, and long frivolous tests studies ( which are cause of the government) , they could be siting on a cur for cancer and we wouldnt even know.
exactly i mean when girls drool all over shirtless men, guys dont turn around and say " you objectifying us!", instead we go to the gym and try to beef up. But god forbid if a man drools all over a hot women in a game or movie.Then its called sexism.
what is this greenlight thing? what is the real issue here? was she trying to make money of her game or something? I can understand if people get pissed of about that( I mean in their eyes all they see is a girl getting special treatment , just cause she a feminist). I mean if it was a guy who made this, it probably would never have seen the light of day as the subject matter is a difficult one, and its just a text based quiz not really a game at all.
The truth is when ever there has been discrimination , and there is a fighting back, the pendulum nearly always shifts to far in the opposite direction, which is what we see today in mainstream media. If the game remains free on greenlight and will remains so , I dont see the issue.
wtf? way to confuse two different things. One has nothing to do with the other. Danny slammed the VGx as the presenter was awful, for a gaming show that should have been so much more. This is supposed to be what it is.
Stop being so mean guys, this was a good little show, sexy presenter the best looking one Gs has ever had anyway, and a littlle bit if light hearted fun gaming. Dont be so retarded.
amar1234's comments