when it comes to cures for things its not like how it it was 100 years ago, the pharmaceutical companies and the government control everything. Im not sure how it is for cancer as so many people get effected, and so there will be money in a cure, but there are other diseases where, people have found cure or came close, but no company ever releases the cure to the public as there was more money in treatment. They do this for many,many diseases.
There are so many cancer treatment out there now, but in nhs you have still only have two crappy options. Those other new experimental treatments can work much better but will bo to expensive to give to everyone .
the dynamic massively changes when you play with strangers in a competitive environment where your ability to win is directly tied to what the other people do. Personalities will clash, where everyone wants to the dominant one. However when you play with friends, everyone seems to fall in to their respective places, and typically not everyone will be trying to assert dominance.
When theres a mix of friends and strangers, it ends up becoming a us vs them thing . Wherfe you blame the strangers for everything.
KInect ? lol dude thats only gonna increase the bullying imo, at the moment at least people never take stuff personal ( well they may do at the time, but as soon they walk away from the game the vast majority of gamers let the anger go). But as soon as those cheeky kids can see people's faces they will zero in on peoples faults. It wont be nice.
Havnt seen this host before she looks new. If you reading this Julia, Hi and welcome to the community. I liked your presence, you doing great, keep it up. Im sure the rest will agree with me.
Your pc has an i7? at least a 670gtx ( or amd equivalent) , ssd drive and a screen resolution that is higher than your living room tv? if not than im sorry dude the ps 4 will have the slightly better version of games for the next year at least. Graphically speaking ofc, the PC will still have all the mods ( although im willing to bet very sson mods will be on consoles for games like elder scrolls at least)
Problem with Nintendo is they been basically making same games for the past 30 years! Only the hard core fans except this and let them get away with it ,for me im sorry the best Mario is still Super Mario world or SMB 3 and the best zelda is still Lttp or OoT, the new ones are just not as good imo.
The original Marior Kart is also still the most original. Oh and remember paper mario? sorry guys i think Nintendo is just using their fans right now.
kinect lol. Thats actually the reason why xbone is doing as well as the Ps 4 , the sole reason. The kinect made the price of xbone much higher, it made the system controversial , made the console look gimmicky to hardcore gamers and in the end to meet the price demand the xbone still ends up less powerful than the ps 4 lol, this is all cause of Kinect.
Theres a reason why the indian lady got the best results, and its also the same reason why the indian accent sounds so geeky, its cause they enunciate every vowel, clearly. They try to speak english textbook perfect ( or try too anyway), as they learn english from books not friends/family like we do.
Its could alos be cause the software was made in India :P which is probably true you know. i Mean Microsoft HQ may be in USa, but the hard graft is done elsewhere .
EDIT: DAM REAL SORRY leakingdog, hope you dont read what i said about you i didnt realize you were being sarcastic. I read the first line only and got mad as hell at you lol.
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