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amkalfus Blog

Am really enjoying Kingdom Hearts!!!

Well, I am about 10 hours or so into Kingdom Hearts, and am friggin' loving it! I am in Agrabah right now and having a great time. I am a total fan of Disney and am loving seeing Disney and Final Fantasy combined. It is an amazing combination! I am also loving the story so far and watching it piece together as I enter and defeat each new world. The game isn't really hard persay, but that isn't a big deal to me. I'll have to play in on expert once I beat it to see how it goes. Good stuff though! In other news, I am still playing Final Fantasy X-2. I am still in Chapter 2 and about 35 percent or so down with the game. That game rocks too, but playing Kingdom Hearts is way more better. For my summer games, I have already beat Final Fantasy X, and hope to beat Final Fantasy X-2 and Kindgom Hearts. ONce these are all done, I am pretty sure I'll revisit Final Fantasy X, and buy and play through Kingdom Hearts 2. After that, finish up Wild Arms 2 for the PSone, and delve into some other games until Final Fantasy XII comes out. I can't wait for that game! Gonna be a blast! I am not sure what gams I will buy next for the PS2 either. Once I beat Kingdom Hearts, I think I'll get Kingdom Hearts 2 as well as two other games from my list. I'll see what they have or whatnot. Probably see if they got Xenosga Episode 1 and 2. Those games look pretty tight. I'm also really looking into getting God of War or Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas and I'll prolly eventually get both. So, other than that, school is going good. Had a History midterm yesterday, on Tuesday, and that went well. We'll see what grade I get on that and all. Good times. Anyways, I am out for now. Peace all!

You, Me, and Dupree...

Well, I saw You, Me, and Dupree last nite with my mom and two of my brothers. It was a funny movie and should def be seen by everybody. It's a good date movie too, so if you can see it with your gf/bf, check it out! In other news, I'll be going back to school later tonite. I have also been playing a lot of SNES with World Cup '94, as well as some Link to the Past. Good stuff! When I get back to my dorm, I'll finish up some hw that I got and play a little X-2 or something! Anyways, I am out for now! Peace~!

Saw the movie Lady in the Water, as well as some other news...

Well, I saw Lady in the Water today. It was a pretty damn good movie, and if you like any of Shamylan's other work, you should check it out. I liked it, but I don't know how other people think about it. Anyways, onto more gaming news! My brothers and I got out our SNES today when I got home from college for the weekend. They couldn't find it all week but I fond it out in the shed. Picked up some old games and started playing them... good times! I'll update my collection list soon to make sure that I have included all of my SNES games that I have. We were mostly playinf FIFA '94 (which friggin' rocks), Clay Fighter, Top Gear, Super Mario All Stars, and Teenage Mutanta Ninja Turtles IV: Turtles in Time which kicks some serious ass ! lol It was some damn good fun! I am also getting farther in FF X-2. I am about 32% in now and having a blast. This game is way easier than X, and the story isn't a strong or anything, but it is still a really good game, i think. In other final fantasy news, I pre-ordered Final Fantasy XII today (the collector's addition or something) as well as the collector's addtion strategy guide! I can't wait for that game to come o ut! i am so friggin' excited! YAY~! So yeah, that's all I have for now. peace all!

First midterm grades!

Well, I am almost half way through the summer quarter (will be at the end of Thursday) an I have already had my first two midterms: Linear Algebra and Thermodynamics. I have my American History midterm next Tuesday. So, without further ado, my grades are: Linear Algebra- 89% Thermodynamics- 97.5% I friggin' rocked that **** ! I am so stoked that I did so damn well! Yay for me... damn I am conceited. Anyways this news just made my day way **** better! Peace all! I gotta celebrate!

First Impressions of Final Fantasy X-2... and Final Fantasy X review!

Well, I am about 8 or so hours into Final Fantasy X-2 and about 21% or so complete according to the percenage thing, but I have barely touched the surface of this game. This game, though, is way different that Final Fantasy X... but, it's alright. The missions and stuff are cool... and it's fun revisiting old enviroments, but it's just really not like Final Fantasy. Even the mmusic is a bit different. I have to say that the girls look amazing and hot, but it's just really different. The active time battles are back, making things a little more frantic, and leveling up conventionally is back. I did like the sphere levelng up thing... that was awesome and I miss it now! The story is about 2 years after FF X ended, and it ties up some loose ends... it;s cool to see what is going on with everyone and all from the old games. But... like I said above, it's just not the same. It's not so frantic or anything... more laid back and just enjoy a ride through what happens 2 years later... so yeah... Also, my FInal Fantasy X review is up so check it out on my reviews! Please recommend it if you think it's good and give me some feeback! I think it's the best one that I have done so far! Peace guys!

I just beat Final Fantasy X!

Wow... I loved this game! It was amazing... and the ending was great! I will be writing a review for it tomorrow, so I'll post another blog once it's done. I didn't get to do a lot of the side quests because I didn't do certain things earleir in the game, but I still went through the last bosses with some ease! I guess leveling up in Bevelle for all of those hours paid off! Anyways, it was a great game, and I clocked in at just over 55 hours or so. Prolly closer to 60! Well, have a good nite everyone! I am tired and off to bed, since it's about 3:35 AM over here in So Cal! Peace all!

New banner and other news!

Well, I got a banner finally! I have one for GS and also one for and both are thanks to lyokophantom! So, thank you lyokophantom! In other news, I had two midterms today and I believe that i did very well on both of them though. We'll see once I get the results next week. Well, since I am done with my stuff for today, I will be playing Final Fantasy X and put in a couple of hours today before I go to bed. I'll be on later, so drop me a line!

AMX! You gotta check this out...

Well, I was screwing around with Garage Band on my Mac the other day, and started making some music with a friend of mine. You can check it out at It's pretty tight I think. Random stuff now, but it's getting better. Check it out and and tell me what you think either on Myspace or on Gamespot. Thanks guys! In other news, I got two midterms tomorrow, so I might not be on tonite or anything, but hit me up anyways! Peace guys!

Super Smah Bros. Tourney!

Well, I am having some friends over and we are going to be playing SUper Smash Bros for the N64 in about 10 m inutes. I am almost done with my homework, but I'll probably finish it later tonite. It's all good.. only two more thermodynamics problems. Good stuff! Peace till later!