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amkalfus Blog

back at school and posting more!

Well, I got back to my dorm and little hwile ago, and am about to eat dinner in about 40 minutes, then get to some homework that i gotta finish before tomorrow. i posted in a bunch of people's blogs (i had some catching up to do). so yeah, well, Ill be posting more and all, and ill be on tonite if i got anything new to say and just looking to see who has some new stuff up. ill also be checking out my unions since i havent been there in ages and see whats up with those. anyways, peace everyone!

beach trip, movie, and the weekend report!

Well, the beach was sweet. It was just me and my two younger bros, so that was chill. Hung out there for about 4 hours where we tanned a bit, swam and threw the football around. Good times. The water was nice and cool, and the whole late morning and early afternnon were just great and all. That nite, I just chilled out and played Final Fantasy X for about an hour. My whole fam was then gonna see the new Pirates of the Caribbean but the tickets were already sold out... so we saw Click instead. I have to say that Click, which stars Adam Sandler, is an awesome movie! It is one of the better movies that I have seen in awhile (but not as good as the new Superman). It was really friggin sad too... damn, I cried! At a damn adam sandler movie nonetheless! LOL It was great though and fun, really good movie with some great laughs and an overall good message to live by. Then today, my fam went down to Carlsbad and to the beach down there for some dinner and chilling out on the ocean again. That was cool, but crazy with some of my nephews being there... u know how young kids are... crazy, but the place that we ate at was great. Good stuff! So, just getting ready for tomorrow which will just be chilling out in the morning and then going back to school in the early afternoon or something. I got some homework that I gotta finish and I also got to get ready for two m idterms next week! But, they shouldn't be too bad. Other than that, just been playing some Final Fantasy X. I am at this part right before a boss battle where the enemies give a bunch of experience and are really easy, so I have been chilling there leveling up my guys for about 3 hours total! My guys are so damn powerful now, it's awesome! I gotta fight that Guado guy now though, and then I guess it's off to the Calm Lands. Fun stuff! Well, keep in touch everyone and I'll be posting in some people's blogs and stuff tomorrow once I am back at school. Talk to you all later!

Everything is back to normal... but I really need to get on this more often!!!

Well, my level and everything is fine now. Well, it's been fine for quite awhile now. Anyways, yeah, I need to get on this more often (hell, I'm paying for it!) LOL So, some recent news: School is going good... just kind of boring. I have come home the last 3 weekends from the dorms cause it was just boring, but now I am getting more into it again, and will stay for awhile once I go back to my dorm later this weekend. Fun stuff... I picked up Final Fantasy X again (which I hadn't played in over a week!) and played for about an hour before my dad picked me up (I need a damn car...). I am over 20 hours into that game and it rocks! I'll be playing that more this weekend after I finsih up some homework and all. I'm going to be going to the beach tomorrow (which is actually today since it's like 1:30 in the morning here in so cal) so that should be chill. Just hanging with my brothers in the sun, tanning my white ass and **** lol. Gonna bring a football and stuff... go swimming, chill out... the normal stuff. Got some geat new CDs that everyone should check out too. If you're into metal and hardcore that is, otherwise you probably won't like these bands or anything. Underoath's new CD, "Define the Great Line" is amazing and way different than there last CD. A lot more metal and much less poppy feeling... just amazing. Three Days Grace also came out with a new CD which is pretty good as well. Also got In Flames latest CD which is great. Atreyu's newer CD as well is pretty good. All good stuff... Well, that is all for now. Be seeing everyone around... oh, and if anyone has a myspace or facebook, tell me and ill look you up because I am on those way more than I am on this. Even aim, although I am not on that too much at all. Peace!

The weekend report

Well, so far I have had a pretty chill weekend. I came home thursday nite and chilled out with my bro. We had some vodka and were having a good time until about 4 in the morning. Friday we chilled out around the house during the day. Went out and rented some movies which were American Pie: Band Camp which I didn't watch all the way through, and Grandma's Boy which was **** hilarous. After that, I went to a party at a friend's house. We Barbequed some hamburgers and threw back some beers. It was a good time. Today, I will probably be catching up on some Thermodynamics homework since I finished all of my Linear Algebra homework and History work on thursday. After that, my bro has a friend coming over and we'll chill with some beer and vodka. Good times! Tomorrow, I'll be at a friend's 27th or 28th birth day party in San Diego. So, everything is chill on this front. In gaming news, I am over 20 hours into FF X (I think closer to 30) and that game is sick. Good stuff... well, I'll be here later today, so I'll check out everyone's blogs. Peace!

Back in School

Well, I am back in school for the summer. I have already had one class today and it didn't seem too bad. My dorms are alright too, so it's all good. Gonna be playing a lot of video games this summer. Hopefully, I will finish FF X this month, as well as Wild Arms 2, all the while playing some Animal Crossing. After that, I think going through and playing Final Fantasy X-2, Kingdom Hearts, and Kingdom Heart 2 would be a good summer plan. Who knows though, maybe I'll delve into some of my older PSone games and play Breath of Fire III and IV. Peace till later!

Responses to previous blog...

I got the PS2 now, because I am not getting a PS3 anytime soon. Wwwaaayyy too expensive! And with reference to all of the Dragon Quest VIII stuff, that is one of the next games I plan on getting along with Devil May Cry I and III, and some other ones I might get later this summer once I start beating some games I got. Kingdom Hearts II will be in there somewhere too as well. I am so friggin excited. My little brother, who's 9, is playing Kingdom Hearts right now and even he loves it. He's about 6 hours in, and with what I've helped him with, I can't wait to get into this game. PLaying FF X right now, and am almost 10 hours in. I am really liking this game! I returned Star Ocean and picked up another copy. I also grabbed the strategy guide for my other brother who wanted it. Well, all is good here! I have also been playing some Animal Crossing DS again with my brothers and it rocks! Solid game... still love it! Alright all, have a good one! Peace!

I got a PS2!

Hey everyone... well, today, I got a slim PS2, and it's awesome. I grabbed some games too. I already had Final Fantasy X, and I picked up FInal Fantasy X-2, Dark Cloud 2, Kingdom Hearts, and Star Ocean: Till the End of Time (but that disc is being dumb, so I may return it for another game). Well, that's all for now, gonna go play some more FF X! Peace out!

Done with my updating!

Well, I am now finished with updating my tracked games, my collection of games, and my wish list of games. I am also done updating my older reviews, which I now have 30 of them (and this is down from 100 reviews), so please, check them out and tell me what you think of them. It's been a long week, but it's almost over and my summer started yesterday! In other news, I am done with finals! Not all of my grades are posted yet, but they should be the same as they are below. Also, I will be getting a couple of new things next week. First thing: I need to trim my hair! It's getting friggin' long and it's time for a trim. Secondly: I will be getting a PS2 and hoefully some games! I am very excited about this!!! yay... Thirdly: I will be moving out of my dorm next friday and into my new dorm that same day. This summer quarter shouldn't be too hard at all since I am taking only three classes, and they are all kind of easy (respective to my ability, I suppose) and I am only going to school 2 days a week! yay!!! Well, I am still reading the sword of Shannara trillogy, and should be done with the first book by this weekend. It's a long book, and in normal print (the smaller, paper back books), this is around a 700 page book... but it is amazing! I got the special hard back addition which came out in 2001, but I saw it a couple of weeks ago and had to have it. Great story, much like Lord of the Rings, but with some key differences. Anyways, that's all for now. Hit me up if anyone wants to talk as I will be cleaning my dorm most of the day once I shower and get some lunch! Peace all!