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amkalfus Blog

Updating 4...

Well, I am almost done with my updating. I have only my last 4 reviwes to go through and re-write (which are my most recent reviews of Quest through Rush). So, check out all of the other ones and tell me what you think. Other than that, I am done for summer! School is over! Hopefully my grades are pretty good. Here are my grades as of now: Technical Communications: A Intro to Mechnical Design: B+ Differential Equations and Linear Algebra: A (hopefully... I felt really good on the final!) Vector Dynamics: F (The teacher is a **** and just fails a bunch of people! Out of 70 or so people in his two classes, just over 10 passed! The guy is an a-hole but I'll make it up in the Fall with a much better teacher) Anyways, that's all for now. Check out my reviews, and I'll be chilling here. Gonna start packing soon, but I am not leaving until Friday. It's all good though. Hopefully I will be able to get in some gaming as well as catch up on my reading. Peace out for now! *EDIT #1* Well, all of my reviews are updated except for the Advent Children one. I am going to take a break for awhile and write that one another time. Well... I make another post tomorrow about updating being done. So, check everything out and tell me what you think! Peace out!

Updating 3...

Well, I have been updating my older reviews. I have updated about the first 15 of my reviews, so you can check 'em out if you want (they are the bottom-most 15). I think that they are much better than they were, but they may still be lacking. Tell me what you think guys and gals, and then I'll be finishing up the rest soon. Peace out!

Updating 2...

Well, you can check out my edits below to see how I have progressed in my updating. Tomorrow or wednesday, I will start re-writing some review. Good stuff coming your way! See you all! *EDIT #1* Well, I updated my first 6 reciews that I wrote. Check out my reviews and scroll to the bottom and go through my first six to see how much better they are and rate them as helpful or not. Thanks guys and I really appreciate all of you who read and rate my reviews. So, check out the first 6 that I did, which are the bottom-most 6. Thanks guys! Peace! *EDIT #2* Well, I started editing some reviews. I went, on my list, from Legend of Zelda: Master's Quest to Kirby Air Ride. Check 'em out and recommend them or not, please! That would be really helpful. In other news, I have a final in arounf 1 hour! Wish me luck! See you all tonite... gotta study! Peace!


Well, I will be updating my reviews. I am going to be deleting some as well as re-writing most of them. By next weekend, it should all be finished. I'll tell you all when I am done with the updating and have you guys check 'em out! See you all later! *EDIT #1* Well, I finished updating my unions. I dropped some, added some, and decline some... well, I am now in the unions Iw ould like to be in and hopefully posting in due time. On the review front, I have deleted some reviews that I shouldn't have written for games I have not yet finished and will be delting and editing more tomorrow. Until then, I will see you all later! *EDIT #2* Deleted some more reviews, and updated some games in my tracking list and wanted list. I'll start updating my reviews tonite or on wednesday or something. Who knows... anyways. Peace! *EDIT #3* Went through all of my games in tracked, collection, and wish list. So, that's all updated, you can check 'em out now and see what you think. I'm out for now...

Final Exam Schedule

Well, finals are upon me next week, and I decided to post my final exam schedule so you guys know when I will be on and not on... not that anyone really cares.... rrriiiggghhttt.... anyways, here it is. ME 233- Intro to Mechanical Design: Tuesday- 3:50 PM - 5:50 PM MAT 299- Differential Eqns and Linear Alg: Wednesday- 9:10 AM - 11:10 AM ME 215- Vector Dynamics: Friday- 7:00 AM - 9:00 AM I would have had another final wednesday nite, but if you have an A in the class, you don't have to take the final and you get an A! So, that lightens my load a lot. I probably won't be on too much on Monday, Tuesday, and Thursday... other than that, you can catch me on! Well, can't wait for summer so I can beat some games, write some reviews, blog, and get new games as well as take some classes on the side. Anyways, peace!

Finals are coming up!

Finals are coming up next week! I got to move out of my dorm, and then into my new one for summer in a week! Fun stuff... anyways... yeah... Been making a compilation of different bands for a summer CD. I'll post up the bands and song names so you all can check them out on the net or whatever. It's good stuff if you're into lots of different music... except rap... I don't really like rap. Besides playing Monster Hunter Freedom a little and Wild Arms 2, I read the prequel to the Sword of Shannara series, the First King of Shannara. I went out and got the trilogy addition of the series for the next three books. I am about a quarter of the way through the first book, and it's tight. Books rule, especially really good stories of fantasy and sci fi and the like. If you like Lord of the Rings at all, check out the Sword of Shannara series. Find it at your local bookstore or something. Anyways, that's really all for now. I have a presentation tomorrow in my Mechanical Design class for a car that my group and I built. Good stuff, an then I got to finish my Differential Equations homework. I already got one of my grades too! I got an A in Technical Communications! That's awesome. I don't have to take the final in that class which is nice... good stuff. One less final that I have to study for, and so far, I have 3, but I might not study for my dynamics one if I can't even pass that damn class. It's gonna be funny, because I will have all A's and an F or a D or something. **** as hell... but what a dumb **** teacher. Out of over 60 people in the two classes, about 10 are passing! This teacher is horrible... Anyways, that's my rant for the nite. Oh yeah, check out the band A Dozen Furies on iTunes or something. They rock... good hardcore metal type music... Peace!

Got two new games!

Hey all! Well, I came home for the weekend because of the holiday. My friend's funeral was really sad, but it was good to see everybody and all. So, I got back today and headed over to Game Stop. I bought Monster Hunter Freedom for the PSP for myself, and I'll probably start plaing that on Monday or something. I also bought New Super Mario Bros. for the DS for my younger brother. He really liked it and I was playing it for a bit. My initial impressions of the game are good. The graphics are great and everything just looks amazing. Definately on of the better looking games for the DS. The music is kind of odd, but it's okay. The gameplay is just great though. A total throwback to the original platforming and such. I love it! The difficulty varies a bit, so I had to help my brother with a couple of levels (he'll be 9 at the end of summer) but this is a great game for anyone looking for some Mario fun. I'll pick up this game later this summer sometime. Anyways, that's all for now. Peace!


Well, I won't be on tomorrow or anything. I may not even be on friday. I am going back home to San Diego to go to my friend's funeral tomorrow morning. A lot of people are going to be there, so it's gonna be sad, but also good because a lot of us haven't seen eachother in years. I'll probably be back on saturday or something... I don't know. I have never been to a funeral before, although people I have known have died, but this is the first one. I just hope that his family is okay. I also found out yesterday how he killed himself... by a gun. He found his grandfather's gun and wanted to end his life. No one can believe it... he really didn't show any signs or anything. Crazy... Well, I will be talking to you all soon. Bye for now.

My summer schedule!

Well, I posted this earlier, but no one read the post. It's all good though. Here are the classes that I am going to be taking this summer. Mechanical Engineering 301- Thermodynamics I Mechanical Engineering 218- Strength of Materials I Math 208- Linear Algebra That's what I will be taking this summer to get ahead. See you guys!

Very sad news...

I found out today that my long time friend (since 7th grade) took his life on friday. His service will be later this week... just needed to write that down somewhere...