Updating 4...
by amkalfus on Comments
Well, I am almost done with my updating. I have only my last 4 reviwes to go through and re-write (which are my most recent reviews of Quest through Rush). So, check out all of the other ones and tell me what you think. Other than that, I am done for summer! School is over! Hopefully my grades are pretty good. Here are my grades as of now: Technical Communications: A Intro to Mechnical Design: B+ Differential Equations and Linear Algebra: A (hopefully... I felt really good on the final!) Vector Dynamics: F (The teacher is a **** and just fails a bunch of people! Out of 70 or so people in his two classes, just over 10 passed! The guy is an a-hole but I'll make it up in the Fall with a much better teacher) Anyways, that's all for now. Check out my reviews, and I'll be chilling here. Gonna start packing soon, but I am not leaving until Friday. It's all good though. Hopefully I will be able to get in some gaming as well as catch up on my reading. Peace out for now! *EDIT #1* Well, all of my reviews are updated except for the Advent Children one. I am going to take a break for awhile and write that one another time. Well... I make another post tomorrow about updating being done. So, check everything out and tell me what you think! Peace out!
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