amkalfus / Member

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amkalfus Blog


Well, midterms are in full sway now. I already had a midterm for my math 299 class (Differential equations) and one for my mechanical engineering 215 class (vector dynamics). Pretty hard, but I'll do alright. I'm going to start my mechanical engineering 231 (engineering communications) one in a sec. It's a take home final, so that takes a lot of the pressure off of me. Talk to you all later...

Anyone want to start posting some real topics?

A quick question for all of my friends out there in gaming land... I know that this site is all about games and all, but in reality there is also a grand world beyond the controller and TV... the REAL WORLD! Just a thought for everyone reading this... anyone want to start bringing up some real topics plaguing our society? And now, many of those actually deal with gamers like ourselves with politicians wanting to ban our freedom to play what we want. How about immigration? Our president? The war? Fighting and dying for your country... would you do it even if you don't believe in what they are trying to achieve? Some food for thought... I really think that as gamers, we have to know what else is going on outside our little bubble... or before you know it, we won't even have a chance to enter that bubble any more... Thanks guys! See ya!

Re-writing some reviews

Hey guys! I may be going back and re-writing some of my older reviews. Thanks to the two people who gave me some insight on how to improve. If anyone else has anything to say, read my reviews and tell me what I can do better. Thanks guys! Peace!

Read some of my reviews and tell me what you think!

Hey guys! You should check out some of my reviews and see if a game you like is there. Read and answer the question at the bottom if it was helpful or not and then tell me what you think of my reviews. They're sometimes short, but I think they are well done. Thanks! Peace.

Homework ****

Studying gets boring... damn... I have class at 8 tonite! and I got a paper due... no video games for me today... it's all good though. :>

Added all of my SNES games to my collection!

Went through all of my SNES games and added the ones that I have to my collection... ahhh... some of those have some great memories like Alladin, and Turtles in Time... good times from my younger years. A Link to the Past as well... although I didn't know what was really going on, I remember that it was fun. A lot of the other games are games you'd expect a kid to have... some really weren't that good though.