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amkalfus Blog

Man, I love college life!

Well, school is now in swing for me, and my classes seem pretty difficult this quarter. But I don't think I'll be sweatin' too hard for awhile. Anyways, I brought up my PSone so that I could play some games while I'm up here and have nothing to do. My handhelds are fun as anything, but I thought having a system up here would be better. My roommate also brought his XBOX, and we've been on Live playing Halo 2. Good times...

Dang... I have A LOT of games!

I've been going throug my game cases here at home seeing which games I have missed. I haven't gone through my SNES, N64, or XBOX one yet though, so I'm sure to add some more games. Looking at my total tally as of now, I have almost 300 games! An I know I have around 20 or so SNES or more... this is pretty sweet. Thank you video games!

Been playing a lot of games and seeing movies... Spring Break rocks!

Hey all... been playing a lot of games this week. My goal is to beat Legend of Zelda: Oracle of Seasons by Sunday or so, as well as beat Mario and Luigi: Superstar Saga by Sunday (although I may not be able to do that). A correction on my post below this one... my brother actually has Dragon Warrior Monster's 2: Tara's Adventure (or Journey or something, I'm not too sure) and not Cobi's. So, I'll be playing that and all. I'm still writing reviews of older games, and I'll be getting a lot more back into this site once school starts up again and I'm back at college. Peace!

Got a bunch of games this weekend!

Well, I went on a rampage and was at the local game store stocking up on some games. I got Daxter for the PSP, Legend of Zelda: Oracle of Seasons for the GBC, Final Fantasy Legend 2 for the GB, and Mario and Luigi Superstar Saga for the GBA! I also reserved Harvest Moon: Magical Mirror for the GCN, and got the last plush in the store! That sheep is pretty cute, and I can't wait for the new HMs to come out on many different platforms!!! My spring break has started off swee, and I can't wait to play everything this week and into my third quarter of college. Gonna be awesome! Oh yeah... and I found out that my brother had Dragon Warrior Monsters 2: Cobi's Adventure for the GBC, so that was tight. And then my little bro got the new Ice Age 2 game, which is actually a fun little platformer. Look for some upcoming reviews from me in the coming weeks on some more great games! See ya, and drop me a line sometime! I also have a myspace... the url is I also have a band myspace for my local band... you should check 'em out!

Got the Top 100 award!

Well, I guess because of all of my reviews, I finally got noticed. Really, you should all check out some of my reviews, and see if they're helpful and good. Some of my older one's may not be so hot, but I got the hang of it now. They may not be really long, but I think they are pretty helpful. Sweet...

Finals are over!!!

My final's are over! NOw, on to spring break baby. I may not be on as much during this next week, but i will pick it up as often as i was the following week! Drop me a line or something dammit! Noone talks to me... or maybe that's because i don't talk to anyone... damn, i have a sad life... peace!


With all of the recent news about Final Fantasy XII launching in Japan, and how great it's gonna be, as well as functionality for the new Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess on the Revolution, I have come to the conclusion that waiting sucks... but this will be one hell of a great winter break! I can't wait for the rest of this year to blow by! You're gonna have the Rev and PS3 (possibly) coming out this year, as well as a slew of great games. The "next generation" has been starting slowly... but this year, it's in full swing. I can't wait! This year is gonna be a great celebration for gamers of all types! Can I get a hoorah for games!? Amen brother gamer!

Level 7!

I am now level 7... pretty cool. This is a great site. I love it. I have also put in reviews fo a lot of games... I think I have about 40 reviews by now, which is pretty sweet. I don't really write a lot in my reviews, but anyone should get the essence of the game. I think I write fair and honest reviews, and I hope some people agree with me... good times.