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andypipkin85 Blog

Well....GS has finally gone down the pan.

I have to say that while i am disgusted and amazed that Jeff has been canned for having an honest opinion, i cant say that i am surprised. For many months now i have watched GS go down the crapper. What with moderators who couldn't run a bath, and whose judgment would barely rival that of a chimpanzee when making important decisions, all that put a big stink on my opinion of this site in the past 12 months or so. Now Now i don't have anything to lose here, i dont have any emotional or sentimental connection with the site. I canceled my subscription ages ago due to unprofessional moderators, and since i never really used the site like i used to. I lost faith in the community as it just seems full of cliques that i either could never be a part of, or simply wasn't welcome to be a part of for whatever reason. So leaving, like most of you are doing, isnt a big deal to me. I probably wont leave completely, as i dont really care about what has happened as i knew GS was in the crapper anyway, but i at least used to trust its reviews and thats the ONLY thing that i used this site for. Now its credibility has all but been shot into the sun with Jeff getting fired for giving a crap game a crap score i dont have much use for this site. I'll probably still just use the site simply for updates on new games i am interested in, previews and such but i cant take any review from this site seriously anymore. I always watched multiple reviews from other sites anyway, i never took what GS said as gospel anyway. I'll probably move over to GT or something, but i am too lazy and dont really care to start over again right now. So at the end of the day none of the current events have really effected me that much. Im not surprised GS is now in the crapper, im not surprised that "the man" fired Jeff, but i am sorry for him and hope he gets back on his feet soon. I am also sorry this site has become such a steaming pile of crap in recent months, as i used to be great here and there was further potential for greatness, but thats all gone now that Jeff, the lifeblood and one last enjoyable thing i found about this site, has been unjustifiably kicked out. Later geezers.

Xbox problem

Im having trouble with XBL, my profile logs in enough to show me my friends list and i can access marketplace but none of my achievements load up and i cant play anything online, when i try to (i only tried on gears of war mind you but i dont think it would make much difference what game i use since the problem seems bigger than that) it says that "no gamer profile has been logged in-please log in your gamer profile to play online", or some crap like that. I called support and they dont know whats going on so they are gonna call me back in 48 hours with a "solution" so i was wondering if anyone here has had the problem and knows how to fix it or if my console is phucked. They told me to try and recover my gamertag, but of course when i try to do that both times it says "sign up is currently unavailable, please try again later". Any ideas?

My gamerscore is possesed!

Gamerscore stands at: 6660 Ok, what are the chances of me making it to a gamerscore like this? I mean seriously? Lol...i should get some kind of award or something, i mean what are the odds? Still it'll be funny while it lasts.

Real life Halo 3 warthog! least we know the design of the warthog looks great in RL so if they ever make a live action Halo movie this SHOULD be what the warthog will look like. Awesome!

One order of new banner please.

Could somebody please quickly slap a new banner related to Halo 3 for me please? It doesnt have to be a fine piece of art or anything, just some nice eye candy for the top of the page to replace the old one representing my period when i was obsessed with Crackdown. I will send you chocolate and cookies by snail mail as payment. :P I also gave Transformers a review. I was bored whilst round my parents place so i quickly wrote up my thoughts on it. I know its a high score for what many of you will consider a barely above average game, but i love it and its source material so it was a basic case of: Fan of game = good score. I didnt put much effort into it as anyone who reads it can tell, but this is explained why in the review. I was going to write one for Halo 3 instead but that would require a lot more thought and a lot more writing since it is an epic game and a real achievement in gaming, so a half-assed little rant about how much i personally enjoyed the game wouldnt do it justice. Maybe some other time. Anyway, back to Halo 3. Im up to Gunnery Sargeant now!

I like driving in my Warthog

Here is my screen shot of the day. Obviously i am the one driving. Rack one kill up to my lack of a driving license! :P  And check out this car i customized in Forza 2 to look like Barricade from the Transformers movie.

Finishing that fight...

...was absolutely breathtaking! To be honest i havnt played a game that has made me feel this way in a long time. The last level had my heart racing and my adrenaline pumping, not because it was full of action and fast and all that, but i felt like i was actually there. For once i actually gave a damn if i got to the end or not, if my characters made it or died, and i felt like i was actually there. It was amazing! Once it was all over i breathed a sigh of relief and sat back feeling fully content with myself. I know i had only completed a video game but i felt like i had been through so much more. I was fully satisfied with the ending unlike some, heres a little tip though: Wait through the credits, the REAL ending doesnt play until the credits finish rolling. This game really is EPIC and is a massive achievement in gaming, which is why i felt like the end of the game had a bitter-sweet feel to it. I mean how can Halo get any better than this? Has Halo 3 set the bar so high that any Halo game to come after it will just fail to be as good? I dont see how Bungie can improve on Halo 3 personally, and i really hope the next Halo game doesnt turn out to be a disappointment because it couldnt live up to Halo 3's standards. As you can tell i really love the game, and i would give it a perfect 10 out of 10 if it wasnt for one small thing.... In order to keep from letting any spoilers slip i'll just say that the game can only get a 9.8 from me because of one level towards the end of the game which just really bugged me and i had almost no fun playing it. Its one of those levels that you just have to force yourself through to complete. Its so bad! If it wasnt for this one level (all the other levels in the game are amazing) i would give it a perfect 10. So now the fight is finished...what are we gonna do now?

Old for new.

What is this? Im actually typing a blog? WTF?! Well, since nothing game-related has happened in my life recently theres been no point in blogging, but today something finally changed and i was really surprised so i thought id talk about it. Anyway as EVERYONE knows Halo 3 is out, but i unwittingly spent my last £20 last week on a Transformer (which could have gone towards Halo 3), somehow i forgot all about the upcoming Halo 3 release so at the start of this week when it dawned on me that Halo 3 was coming out i was kicking myself, and basically screwed over any chances i had of getting this game. Im skint most of the time you see, being unemployed and all, its not easy for me to just go out and buy a new game like most of you can, so i have to plan ahead and scrape together loose change to buy stuff with. And especially since my old car recently died and i had to spend all extra money i had on getting the new car up and running and on the road things have been especially tight. (BTW the new car is friggin AWESOME so i dont regret spending the money on it to get it fixed up and ready. I pimped it out with a holo graphic metal flake black and silver paint job, and decked it out with some LED's and a custom Autobot badge and a huge muffler tip hehe. She is really fast and looks great on the road, great car to drift and speed in too. :P) So, what did i do to get my copy of Halo 3? Well i havnt touched my Dreamcast, or my PS2 for months, i dont think ive even looked at my Dreamcast for a year now. Most of my PS2 games are just warming my shelves, collecting dust. Since i got my 360 ive had no need to play hardly any of them, same goes for the DC. So i packed up the old Sega system, got all its games together and picked out 16 or 17 old PS2 games (i kept all the best ones) that i havnt touched for ages, as well as a couple of PC games and chucked em all into a bag and traded em in. I went to Gamestation and i was only expecting to get just enough to buy Halo 3, you know what these game shops are like with their trade-in's, but somehow they offered me over £70 for the lot! I was amazed! So i went and got Halo 3, and picked out a couple of other 360 games ive been wanting. I was gonna get Bioshock but ive been craving a driving game so i opted for a 2 for £40 offer and got Forza 2 and Flatout: UT. I passed on Bioshock mainly because i already have the main FPS i need in Halo 3, and i figured id get more for my money with two extra games instead of just one. Plus Bioshock has no online multiplayer and thats very important to me as well. I'll get it some other day though as it looks great. I almost went for Stranglehold instead but again, i think id get more value for my money with Forza 2 and Flatout. So theres me set for the next few months! I might catch some of you on a Halo 3 match sometime. TIME TO FINISH THE FIGHT! Oh...and i just wanted to say...Death Proof FREAKING ROCKS!! This has only just come out in the cinema over here, so i managed to see the movie by "other" means. I was a bit skeptical about it at first, cos Kill Bill really disappointed me and im not too keen on Tarantino's old movie look-style gimmicks. But all that aside, as well as some overly long dialogue scenes the movie was great and really made up for Kill Bill, and it has one of THE BEST car chases EVER! When this movie makes it to DVD over here i will definateley be buying this one! Anyway....Halo 3 is calling. See you next time. (which'll be 3 or 4 months again probably) :P