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andypipkin85 Blog

Xbox 360 game #4...again

I had already bought my fourth 360 game a couple of weeks ago off Ebay in the form of Blazing Angels but since then i had completed the game and got everything that i thought i would get out of it since it wasnt excatly a very deep game with much replay value, but i knew this when i bought it and i dont regret doing so as i had fun with it but i didnt feel like it was something that i really wanted to keep. So today i took it to Gamestation and traded it in along with two PS2 games from my Ebay auctions that havnt sold yet and werent likely to either, as well as Onimusha 3 as i havnt played that game in ages and i had no real desire to do so ever again anyway. So i traded in those four, put £4 towards it and bought a used but mint condition copy of Farcry Instincts: Predator for the 360! I love it when a plan comes together! Especially since it was the only copy they had in stock! I have been wanting to buy this game for a while and thanks to Halo and Halo 2 i have gotten back into console first person shooters again and since this is kinda similar to Halo in many ways (you can duel wield weapons, drive vehicles and stuff) and the next best alternative to the super expensive Call Of Duty 3 i decided to get it since its good value for money and has online play. I havnt played it yet as i havnt gone home yet (im typing from my mum's comp) but i cant wait to try it out! Who else has this game? Maybe we could hook up on Xbox Live and have a frag-fest? :)

Gears Of War help

I know this is a complete shot in the dark since i dont think this problem can be fixed entirely but is there anything i can do to help my bullet lag problem? I plug my 360 into my 2-meg DSL modem via Ethernet everytime i want to go on Live as i dont have a router so no other machine is using my internet connection when i am on Live yet tonight i experianced terrible bullet lag! It literally took about 2 seconds for my bullets to hit from trigger press to impact at one point which really pee'ed me off since you just cant play the game like that! I know for a fact im not the only one who has this problem, so it doesnt have anything to do with my connection especially since im on 2 megs. So i was just wondering if there was anything i could do in my 360's network settings to help ease the problem a little bit until Epic decides to finally pull their lazy fingers out and fix the frikin' problem? Thanks for any advice. :)

DMC4 goes to 360!

What are your thoughts on this? DMC 4 360 Surely by now Sony must be a little worried about losing all their major platform selling exclusives? It was bad enough that they lost Assassins Creed and GTA4, but now DMC 4, a game which we all have all grown used to being a Sony only game, an icon for the PS2 and one of the best action adventure games ever! This is starting to get worrisome! I mean id like to see Sony feel the pinch from screwing everyone over like they have but i dont want to see thier console go the way of the Dreamcast! Anyone else a tad worried about this?

World War Three!

Many of us thought that WWIII would be started by warring governments trying to scramble over who "owns" earth's last precious resources. Many thought that a race of machines that we created with intelligent, self-aware A.I. to make our lives easier would assimilate us and humanity would have to fight for its survival to exsist. No. The next world war will be waged by: VIDEO GAME FANBOYS!!!!! *DUN DUN DUUUUUUUUN* Heh, nah thats overreacting a tad but these following links are all very funny. Basically some guy posted a Vlog on YouTube talking about how the PS3 is "da sheeet" and all the other consoles suck with a fake, stereotypical and lame "urban" accent. No i cant be 100% sure if he is serious or not as i dont think human beings can be this stupid so he might be joking, making fun of fanboys himself with his little act BUT he could be serious, you never know with the internet so we gotta take this at face value. Anyway, after this video a bunch of other guys posted responses just completley laying into the original dude, some with humour, some took things a little too seriously. In any case this is some funny sh..tuff right here, so i hope you laugh as much as i did. Strong Language ensues: The first move The counter blow The slight over reaction This is getting stupid now Funny sheet


By the Halo bug. Yep i have gotten addicted to Halo 2 despite not liking the story very much. I dont know about you but the Covenant half of the story, and having to play as that Arbitor dude really sucks. I really do not care for that half of the game. I just want to play as Master Cheif and kick alien arse with a bunch of Cameron-esque Marines who blurt out cheesy but comedic dialogue at random intervals. :P Its just my opinion but the game would have been alot better if they just stuck to the human side of the story and didnt try to make us care about the aliens, the likes of which we was told are evil creatures and was trained to kill on sight throughout the entire course of the original game! I dunno but after the first game its hard to give a crap about the Covenant and i think Bungie should have just left them as the bad guys. I hope they dont make this same mistake with Halo 3 or i'll be seriously pee'ed off! But its Halo 3 on the 360 so its bound to rock no matter how much the story sucks so i probably wont care... But despite that i am still enjoying the game alot and i now know why people rate it so highly as i have just purchased a copy of the first Halo off of Ebay for the Xbox, despite already owning the PC version. o.O Its kind of a pointless purchase really but i find the game is alot more fun to play on a console then on a PC, so i guess i just crave more of the same gameplay Halo 2 is giving me on a console while the world waits for Halo 3. Plus its cool to collect important titles in gaming history when you are a collector i suppose...'least thats the excuse i am giving my wife to justify my pointless purchase lol. So yeah, i guess you can now call me a Halo fanboy! :P However i still stand by my words that i think it is just a tad overrated BUT i understand WHY i just dont necessarily agree with it. ;) Anyway....erm...yeah thats it for now, not really that much going on round here right now so see ya later.

Soo...Halo 2?

My used (but its like new, still has that "new"smell that i love....yeah im a freak so what?!) copy arrived in the mail this morning, one day after it had been shipped! Pretty quick delivery id say! Anyway so far i have had a blast with the single player game despite having it lock up once on me already. Im kinda beginning to understand what all the fuss is about now, its a very fun game! Simple, yet complex at the same time if that makes any sense? But lets just say Halo 3 cant arrive soon enough now! Same cant be said about the online though. I dont know if its just my noobness to the game, but every match i ever join is either CTF or KOTH mode! I hate CTF!!! Which mode has the vehicles in it?! I tried asking some peeps in a match but no one answered, freaking elitists!lol If anyone could let me know which online mode has the vehicles in it then please lemme know, and if you wanna hook up sometime and kick my noob butt then send me a message and we'll meet up someplace. :WARNING!!: THE RANT BELOW IS YET AGAIN ABOUT SONY AND THE PS3, SO PLEASE AVOID IF YOU ARE COMPLETLY BORED OF MY COMPLAINING ABOUT SONY BY NOW. I CANT SAY I BLAME YOU!: On a side note i heard on the radio today that many people are cancelling their UK PS3 pre-orders in order to import a Japanese or US system, either that or they are cancelling their orders altogether because of the down-speccing and over pricing of the system over here. Now good for them that they are willing to wait and import their system, i certainly wouldnt trust £400 worth of hardware to the mail service but thats just me. However, Sony, in an attempt to make themselves look even more retarded are threataning to prosecute people who import their systems, as well as (of course) the importers themselves!!! Now the latter bit i can understand (sort of) but prosecuting an individual for choosing to buy a cheaper, superior system from another region is just madness!!! I cant beleive that Sony is willing to stoop so low...

One man army

Today on Gears Of War multiplayer i killed all of the other team all by my oncie! :D :D :D :D Thats right, i took on FOUR dudes and won! These wernt noobs either, one of them was a master of the head shot with a torque bow so these guys had some skills! That is all....jus' wanted to brag a little for a change. :P Tomorrow Blazing Angles for the 360 should come in the post so i will be giving my first impressions on that. I played the demo from XBLMP and quite enjoyed it despite my reservations with the game since its set in WWII and im not really a fan of old fashioned prop-fighter planes but i found the game to be quite addictive and pleasent on the eyes as well to play. So i bought it off Ebay for £14.99. I know it isnt a highly rated game but i wanted to play it more than anything else out that i considered buying. Oh yeah those Ebay auctions i posted are doing well! So far i have sold 3 games and earnt over £20 altogether, which is ALOT more than what i would have got for trade-in value, i doubt i would have gotten £20 for all 8 if i traded them in! I sold NFS:C, Cold Fear and Cold Winter. So selling those has helped me buy Blazing Angels and with whats left i will put towards...well i havnt decided yet. :P


This doesnt apply to everyone, but to those to whom it does they will know what i am talking about. I just want to say that i am really hurt and disappointed with you guys. I am a human being and i too have feelings (contrary to what you might think). I mearly asked for a simple favour to make things more fair and you threw it in my face. I am a very insecure person, i do my damndest to be nice and try and be friendly but i aint a "one of the lads" type of guy, so i guess i will forever remain the out cast no matter how hard i try or how nice i am to you. Your behaviour tonight only further proves all of my insecurities, the story of my life: "oh to hell with Sonny no one wants him on the football team, stick him on the bench!" Thats what you did to me tonight, just wanted to let you know that. Theres still time to fix things however as i do forgive people's mistakes, but that is up to you if you want the guilt to remain on your conscience or not.

Selling some games... BUY BUY BUY!!!!

I have a few Ebay auctions up for some of my games as i dont play these ones anymore and i want some cash to go towards some new 360 games. I know none of these are fantastic games or classics or anything like that but they are super cheap and well worth a play through. So if any UK gamers out there are interested in picking up some bargains then please check out the following auctions: Shox for PS2 XGRA for PS2 WRC 3 for PS2 Sonic Heroes for PS2 Terminator 3 The Redemption for PS2 Cold Winter for PS2 Cold Fear for PS2 For less than 4 quid a game, you cant really go wrong i say! :P (if you want i can negotiate the price for shipping if you buy more than one game) Good luck in finding any of these games in the shops for these low prices so grab a bargain while you still can! Jeez i sound like a QVC or Pricedrop TV presenter...

The most boring next-gen console launch. Ever.

I just had a peek at Gamestation's website, the place i mainly shop at when i buy new games on the rare occasion, and they have their PS3 combo pre-orders all over their site so i decided to have a look just for the hell of it. PS3 boring combo deals Now take a look at that, am i safe in saying that these are the most boring combos you have ever seen for the launch of a new console? Now i havnt looked anyplace else for these deals as i am not interested in buying a PS3 but i think its safe to assume that what with the high price of the PS3 and its lack of good games the above combo deals are probably being repeated every where. If i was a fool, or had waaaay too much money just burning a hole in my pocket then this is the combo i would go for: The fool's combo So that is a down specced PS3 over here because Sony sucks, with (what i would choose since these are the only good games the system has) Resistance and Motorstorm for half a grand! This is just crazy! Those two games are hardly worth shelling out half a grand for, especially when the system you are getting is more expensive than US and *** systems but less powerful or useful! I have never not wanted a PS3 so much right now... Not that i want another next-gen console since the 360 thus far has proved that it is the only true way to go this time around, but if i did i would rather buy a Wii than a PS3 right now (and thats REALLY saying something), especially at these prices and with these boring, dull games. I mean dont get me wrong Resistance and Motorstorm look good but not good enough to spend half a grand on! Just to put this into perspective for the US gamers who might read this, £500 is 979.791 USD. NINE HUNDRED AND SEVENTY NINE BUCKS! Yeah, let that sink in for a while.... I know i have said it before, and i know you have all heard it from other sources before but i will say it again and you will hear it again, Sony has REALLY screwed up their brand this time! Especially when you consider the fact that these combo pre-order deals havnt sold out yet which means that Sony has either done a fantastic job in supplying for demand (and pigs might fly), or people simply just dont want one. What it would take for them to get back on top and dominate the console market like they did last gen would take nothing less than a miracle at this point. That 360 purchase is looking like a better investment by the day!