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andypipkin85 Blog

OMG!!! A blog?!?!

Just thought id type up what ive been doing/plying lately. A VERY good friend of mine bought me three new Xbox 360 games recently, Transformers: The Game, Dirt and Viva Pinata. I just recently saw the Transformers movie and it is freaking amazing! Seriously people....if you havnt seen it then go now (if its out where you are) because it is by far THE BEST movie this year, but then again i would say that as im biased, but from a non-biased standpoint it is still a balls to the wall summer action blockbuster, with a level of action you wont find anywhere else this year. IT RULES! So obviously i have wanted the game ever since i knew they was making it so my friend bought it for me. I know it didnt get good reviews but i dont care what critics say. I dont base my opinion on what a critic says because the only thing i take away from a review is a general idea of how the game plays. I dont base my entire opinion of said game on the review. What makes me actually WANT or BUY said games is my own personal opinion and how much i want said games...if that makes any sense? Anyway whatever, ive been playing the TF game alot since it arrived in the mail and i think its alot of fun. Easy as heck achievements too which is a bonus. :P Viva Pinata is one for the missus, however i might have to have a go at it myself because i downloaded the demo off of XBL and became rather addicted to it. I dont know why as i usually try to steer clear of those types of games but theres something about Viva Pinata that just seems rather appealing. And finally a game i have been wanting since 2005 (which was when the last Colin Mcrae game was released wasnt it?) is Dirt. This game is STUNNING and fantastic fun! So its safe to say that i have quite alot of gaming to do now. Its good to have friends with lots of money, lol. Nah seriously one of these games is payment for an art commission that i still owe the guy, but the rest he bought me out of the kindness of his heart and i am very grateful to him. Speaking of art, check out this pic and tell me what you think? (please full view it) The Touch I did the line work and the inking, and a friend of mine over at did the coloring for me cos i was too lazy. :P Anyway thats all for now, see ya later.

Why i havnt been around much

Well im kinda tired of this place really, mostly the community and the way people act in general. Recently i have gotten back into Transformers, im re-living my childhood that i lost out on with them and i have found a great site and community of people who are alot of fun to talk to and hang out with. Unlike here and Gamespot where everyone is soo freaking up tight about everything, and the smallest little comment or difference in opinion can spark a major BS fanboy flame war which i am sick and tired of. Not to mention there are too many damned cliques around here that gets on my nerves as well. Groups of people who post endless blogs claiming to be talking to the public, but 95% of which you dont understand because of all the clique in-jokes or comments about conversations not anyone outside of said clique has no idea about. I mean whats the point? I cant stand people who dont wanna know you unless you do a certain thing, regardless of if it interests you or not, they dont wanna know you otherwise and just keep to themselves and dont spread the freindship around. The new community i belong to has none of that and not to mention they dont mind the occasional bit of free speech there, unlike this damned place where you get modded for the slightest thing! Oh, and theres no fanboy trolls that follow you everywhere you go just to flame every comment you make. So its a nice break from here and a lot of fun and i have made many friends and have been able to get back in touch with my creative side again and am now having fun drawing and making models, instead of wasting countless hours infront of a TV screen unlocking achievements. Dont get me wrong, i still love gaming but a man needs a bit of variety in his life from time to time. I still like this place for its news on games and reviews, but i cant help but feel the community here has let me down and disappointed me immensely. I have made a couple of good friends on here which i hope to stay in touch with but otherwise i feel like most of the community around here is utterly forgettable, and worse still damned near impenetrable and i have wasted too much of my life trying to fit in with cliques of people that never gave a crap about me no matter how kind i was to them so why should i waste more of my precious time doing the same online? Nah, this community has gone to pot and im not really interested in it anymore. So dont expect any regular blogs, dont expect any new vids, dont expect anything. Im not leaving, but im not gonna bother with this clique-ridden community any more. Its giving nothing back to me so why should i bother? Thanks to those who took the time to get to know me properly, and i hope to see you around on XBL and stuff in the future. And i hope you get well soon Travis! But unless things change, im just gonna lurk around here now and just stay up to date on games and not bother with most people on here anymore. Bye.

Travis, AKA Houtx1836

Something has happened to him. I am not sure what at the moment, but his wife posted a blog under his account name and said he is in a stable but critical condition... Please spare a thought for this great man if you can. He has been a good online friend to me and many others and is a big part of this community. He has two adorable kids as well, and lots of games to play yet! So please spare a thought for this friendly and caring man. If you see this Travis: Be strong, pull yourself through, just keep thinking of the people that need you and love you, and all those lovely games you have yet to play! You'll pull through whatever has happened easily if you do Mr "way too proud of Texas guy" ;) You know what im talking about! hehe. Be strong man, i'll be thinking about you.

Best. Trailer. Ever!

OMG! Holy Crap! This movie is gonna OWN YOUR SOUL!!! I have been looking forward to this for years, and i knew it was gonna be awesome because Bay is directing it but DAMN!!! July 4th cant come soon enough! Oh yeah and that little Halo 3 beta doohicky came out as well....its alright i suppose...:P

Birthday blog

So thats one step closer to the grave. :P Nah its ok, its been a great birthday and it isnt even over yet, which is why i will have to make this blog short. I'll make a video soon, and post up some pics of my gifts if anyone wants to see em. Im off to play with my Masterpiece Optimus Prime for a bit more before we have to go out, yeah im a big kid at heart so sue me! :P Thanks!

DLC, your thoughts?

Ok, time for a bit of a rant here people. I am sick and tired of all this new "DLC" stuff coming at a cost! Why the hell should we gamers have to PAY MONEY to play OUR GAMES that WE ALREADY PAID £40/$50 for in the first place?! This is just completely out of order! Main reason i am bringing this up now is because of the new DLC for Gears Of War. I want those maps, i want to play MY game, but i wont be able to because what should be free ISNT! And it absolutely sickens me to see that the new map pack for Gears Of War Epic wanted to give away, but M$ wanted to sell it, hence why people like me have to wait four bloody months before we get to play the new stuff! Same with the upcoming Crackdown DLC, why the feck should i have to pay money to download the DLC?! Especially since the game was bought FOR ME as an early gift! Now i am totally for the charging of monies for DLC, but only if that DLC is something big like an expansion pack, but having to pay for a few new bloody maps or a new character or a new car or a few extra songs is just an absolute freaking rip off!!! But, i guess, as long as there are rich idiots out there who have no opinion on anything and just dont care, we will continue to get screwed up our bung holes by game developers or big evil companies like M$. We need to boycott DLC! Unless its a big expansion of some kind it should be free, charging for a few extra songs, or for a few extra cars or for a new multiplayer mode or a few new MP maps is simply WRONG! *insert loads of angry smilies here, 'cos i dont know what the command line is for the real thing :( " So thats my stance on the matter, what do you guys think? Woah....i just realized i got through an angry rant without breaking any TOS rules, or using any f-bombs or swear words at all! O.o feeling light headed now...i think theres something wrong with me, i need to go and see a doctor or something... :P

Got to play on a PS3

Or "PS-Trizzle" as it is known by some. :P I was playing it on a lovely, what must have been, a 40 inch HD TV with a pumping sound system surrounding me and making my insides vibrate, the set-up was something i have wet-dreams about even if the TV is usually a 50 inch-er in my dreams (is this starting to sound too wrong? :P), it sounded great and looked great! But i was still bored... Why? Well for starters the game they had running was Full Auto 2, which isnt exactly a system-selling game or a decent game anyway, plus despite this it felt just the same as the XBOX360 version, infact it felt worse since the controller has no rumble feature and for whatever reason the stupid tilty support wasnt turned on either. I hate motion sensing controllers but i wanted to try it out just for the hell of it! I tried looking in the options to enable it, but there was no option to turn it on. I couldnt even access the PS3 dashboard! Not only that but it looked like crap too, with jagged edges and pixelated graphics. This was probably the TV's fault and i doubt the staff had it all set up for optimal visual quality, which doesnt make much sense but you know what these shops are like, they just plug it in and leave it. Im know it is a crappy game and all, but judging by what other games the PS3 has to offer i cant see anything currently out to make up for what was basically, in my experience, a boring, dire, dry, overwhelming disappointment. I know i didnt like the PS3, but i tried to approach it from the most unbiased point of view, i was willing to give it a chance but still i ended up leaving the store thinking even less of it now than ever before. And the dumb security guard watching me like a hawk as soon as i looked at the damn thing didnt help matters either! I mean the thing is tagged with alarms and bolted down FFS! Like i could lift that fridge of a games console on my own anyway! Idiot... Anyway once i was done with the PS3 i wanted to have a go on the 360 that was right next to it, but for some reason the batteries on the controller werent charged so i couldnt play. Maybe they had been worn out from so much playtime, unlike the PS3's? :P Ah well...maybe next gen Sony? But since Ken has left i think Sony as a gaming company has officially and forever lost its dominating hold on the games market. It would take nothing short of a miracle in my eyes to save the PS3 now. Is there any hope left? Meh who cares? I'll just keep playing my 360

new banner

Sorry i didnt do this sooner but i completely forgot for some reason. Anyway my new banner is thanks to Andywilliams24, thanks Andy! He also made me a spiffy new avatar too, cool aint they?

1 up!

Today i leveled up, im now at level 24. I didnt realize it but ive been on here for more than a year now. I would have thought id have been banned for good or something by now but im still here surprisingly. :P I have also got more than 2000 achievements now thanks to Crackdown, for me thats a bit of a milestone so im quite pleased and i never thought collecting useless achievements would be so addicting! Nothing really exciting or new going on but i was thinking of testing out my new camera by making a video blog, i was gonna do a tour of my main gaming room, AKA the living room, and show you all my games and dvds and Transformers and stuff but i think i will wait until after my birthday because i hope to get a 12" Masterpiece Optimus Prime figure (unfortunately its the one with the shortened smoke stacks, but im gonna buy longer die-cast replacements off of Ebay so that Prime can be seen in his true glory again) and a couple of others so id rather wait until i get those so i can film them too, otherwise i will film it now and come May 3rd the video will be obsolete again since i would have added more stuff to my collection, see what i mean? I'll see, in any case i hope to start making some videos soon, its just hard to think of material when you live in such a boring place like i do. If anyone has any cool ideas or suggestions for a blog please let me know, but if not dont worry, its ok. I know how hard it can be to think of original and entertaining stuff. Anybuns, take care people, Keep on gaming and ROCK ON and SMOKE OUT!!!! :P (sorry Darron and Denis)

New game

Today i was given a copy of the Halo 3 beta, featuring Crackdown for the Xbox 360. :P It was another early b-day present from my parents, so it looks like i only have a yummy cake and a 12" Masterpiece Optimus Prime figure (im a big Transformers geek) to look forwrd to on the actual day but i dont mind as it doesnt make much difference to me really. Its just another day where you celebrate getting older but if people are willing to buy me stuff to mark the occasion then i aint gonna complain! lol. So yeah i played Crackdown for 6 hours straight tonight! Thats the longest i have played just one game for ages! Infact i dont think i have played any number of games combined for that long in a while either! That game truly lives up to the first half of its name thats for sure. I was also pleased to find out that the copy i got has the invite to the Halo 3 beta in May as well, i didnt expect that so i cant wait for them to release the beta now and finally get a chance to play an early version of this years most anticipated 360 game. So anyway my first impressions of Crackdown are great, and it can only get better as i keep levelling up my character and learning new abilities and unlocking achievements. Im loving the gameplay, the enviroment is massive and really dynamic and quite impressive when you consider the fact that if you can see or reach something you can pretty much climb it and get to it as long as your character has the right abilities. This game really offers a sense of freedom that i havnt experianced in any game for a long time, not to mention it looks fantastic. So yeah i am really pleased i gave this little gem a second chance as this is just the thing i needed to inject a bit of excitement back into my gaming life as i was getting a little bored of Gears' beleive it or not. :P