pc hardware is easily a generation ahead, but that doesn't matter much because most pc games are console ports. Then you just end up with better textures and higher resolutions and framerates, but those things don't equal a generational leap.
angelsrul_basic's forum posts
I wish it was on next gen, even if they used the gta 4 engine. The GTA 4 engine was too much for this gen. The tiny draw distance and generally muddy look made the game unplayable for me. I don't know why they gave it such high marks for graphics. On a high end pc the game with draw distance maxed the game looks and plays remarkably better.
I don't think a whole lot of the wii u, but this is one of the few games that could actually benefit from the giant control pad. The city map could be displayed on the controller so you don't have to pause and see where you are going. That said I think that controller is a weak gimmick and I don't see the wii u doing nearly as well as the origiinal wii.
Due to 2 kids and a full time job I've had this game on the shelf for a couple of years. I finally got around to playing it and was amazed. The atmosphere story and depth of gameplay blew me away. It's arguably the best game I've ever played. How is #2.
I'm thinking of ordering one from new egg, my main concern is getting a lemon. Which company is the best, msi, gigabyte, evga.....?
I wouldn't get that if I were you; ibuypower prebuilt pc usually use cheap powersupplies that are dangerous to all or your components and will dramatically lower the life of your pc.
I have a coolermaster 430 case with standard case fans. I'm thinking of upgrading the side intake fan to something with a relatively high flow. The side intake is designed for a 120 fan. Will a high flow side fan reduce gpu temps much?
Bring back the competitive nature that made 2 and 3 multiplayer so fun. Get rid of armor abilities and put everybody on and equal playing field like it used to be. Make all armor abilities equipment pickups. Bring back the 1-50 ranking system for all game types and get rid of the awful arena. Get rid of bloom and bring back the battle rifle. Bring back the spartan laser, and dual wielding. The halo multiplayer community used to be huge and a lot of fun, reach multiplayer community is pathetically small and the game is boring; it lacks the competitive thrill 2 and 3 both had and I think that's why they were so popular.
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