angelsrul_basic's forum posts
Cod4 was the pinnacle of the series imo, it had better maps and more balanced perks than anythings I've seen yet. Modern warfare 3 ruined the series for me. The assassin perk is ridiculouly over powered. Uavs are useless. I wish they would just go back to the original modern warfare perks they were a lot more balanced. The more they try to innovate the more they seem to kill the balance of the game.
Durango will be the wii of next gen, it will have medicore specs with a casual friendly controler (kinect). PS4 will be the gamers console and I hope it dominates; the casual gimmicky model needs to die a quick and bloody death; it will be a victory for all gamers. Oh, and I preffered 360 this generation.
I think it has a good chance to be 400. Unlike the Ps3 it's not introducing and expensive new format (bluray). That really pumped up the price of the ps3. The cpu and gpu it's using should also be relatively cheap in comparison to the parts the Ps3 used. I'm not sure how expensive the ram they are using is, that could be the factor that bumps up the price.
Cyberpower is not a bad way to go. I got a pc from them about a year ago and all is still well. The one thing you have to avoid is their standard power supplies. You really need to upgrade with the option, I would go with a corsair. Many people also reccomend upgrading the ram option too, as the standard ram they include has had problems. Other than that their prices are pretty good and they use good compents. They are way better than alienware and alot of other prebuilt sites imo.
From the rumors of the 720, and at this point they are just rumors, is is shaping up to be an epic fail. Less powerful hardware, compared to ps4, and a focus on kinect make it look like they are going the route of the wii. The wii used very underpowered hardware but did great because of the motion control. I think the big wigs at xbox might try to copy this model with the kinect focus. Also halo is no longer the system selling monster it used to be. Call of duty has stole a lot of its multiplayer based glory, and the halo franchise has taken a big step downhill in many people's opinion. PS4 will likely have more system selling exclusives and better graphics on multiplats. I don't see why any gamer would choose 720 over ps4 if these rumors pan out to be true. However, this is all based on rumor, 720 could be as good or better than ps4 and it could pump out some new system selling exclusives.
I hope this is true, gta 4 on the current gen hardware was ugly and painful to play. With the nonexistent draw distance and blurry textures it was hard to drive without something popping up right in front of you. On a decent pc gta 4 is a much better game. Nothing ruins my gaming experience worse than constant popin and blurry textures. I was amazed how much gamespot and ign loved gta 4 visuals on the ps360. I thought it was one of the uggliest games for the consoles this gen.
[QUOTE="angelsrul_basic"]What the hell are you talking about? PS4 is using the x86 Architecture which means = Better PC Ports.[/QUOTE if a game is optimised for 8 gigs of ddr5, which no pc has, a pc port could suffer from it.The fact that the gddr5 heavy titan is getting stomped doesn't mean a whole lot. Next gen games will be developed for ps3 and all the ddr5, that could hurt the pc ports.
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