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anton10000 Blog

Never again.

I did my final Latin and Maths exams today. Yay! *Does a sexy dance*

Thank fk! I'm not bad at Maths, and I'm excellent at Latin, but I hate both of those subjects so much. Never will I have to do those subjects again.

Oops, I did it again...

I went to Gamestation last night to feed my addiction, and I saw a copy of Halo 3 pre-owned for £12.99, and I thought to myself "Maybe". Looked around a bit more, and I turn around a shelf corner and lo and behold, there was a whole shelf of PSOne and Dreamcast games for £1.99 each. I pikced up six, and here they are:

Thrasher: Skate and Destroy


Sega Rally 2

Virtua Tennis

Hydro Thunder

Metropolis Street Racer

They also had a copy of 4 Wheel Thunder, and Tenchu 2, Driver 2 and a few other sequels to games I have yet to finish. I may just pick them up just for the sake of it.

Gamespot is now officially pointless.....

I don't really care if you judge me for this, but those WiiWare scores have been the proverbial staw that broke the camel's back for me. I haven't really cared about all those huge controversial scores, but I just think that GS staff writers have become completely detached from what gamers want. Lost Winds is 3 hours? So? Not everyone has a whole work day to play through games like the writers at this site do.

I first came to this site in Novermeber 2004, and it seemed like the pinacle of multiplatform reporing, with more grounded scores than most magazines, and coverage of every system equally. Now? Ha! I'm not saying I'm leaving, just that I don't care about GS scores any longer, and I think I'll just get my "score" addiction from Metacritic from now on.

GTA IV Done!

Yep, finished it last night. The last mission was a bit of pain, to say the least, but the final few parts were epic, apart from the last stand off. Anyway, I did it in less than 30 hour so...... hooray for achievements!

I want to go back and do more of the side missions, and put some time into the multiplayer, so I think I'll be playing it for a lot longer, but I'll now go back to Mass Effect as well.

Verdict? Not perfect by any means. Really good, but there were extreme flaws I found in the gameplay, and GTAIV has made me realise why:

a) People hate GTA


b) That GTA is no longer a standard setter.

Collecting slowdown.

I'm finally on study leave for my GCSE's. Thank f-in god! I hate school, and most of Year 11 has been borefest '08. I have my first exams on Tuesday, and will be doing regular videos about them on youtube, of course.

Because of this, I will be off buying games until SSBB launches on June 27th over here, which also nicely rounds out not only my GCSEs, but also my work experience. However, there will be a few game related purchases happening soon, such as Mario Kart Wii on Sunday, and my very own Neo Geo Pocket Colour in about a week's time.

Until SSBB, I will be updating my music collection greatly, as I just recently found my iPod after 6 or so months, and want to fill it up.

500 games later!

Yep, I hit the big 500 with my collection. I'm going to be doing another video later on today, but I just wanted to have a writtent blog between two videos.

Depressingly, my 500th game is nothing special, but oh well.