Today marked the start of exam season, as I had my Spanish Specking GCSE at 10:30 this morning. I thought I did OK, but my Spanish teacher said I had done really well, so I was happy about that because Speaking is my worst skill compared to Reading and Listening.
Also, a fire alarm went off during P.E......while we were in the swimming pool.
I also have a tonne of work to do this weekend, and I just can't be bothered.
Glitchspot is acting up again, so I might have to upload via TV.com, but whatever. Enjoy!
Well, today was great at school. I have finally been aloowed to drop out of Italian.
Why is this so great? Due to a cover teacher I had for Italian for about 4 months, I almost had a nervous breakdown, and bunged off to the school counciller. The cover teacher was nasty to me, and bullied me by humiliating me in front of the entire class, plus "losing" my coursework on purpose. Oh, and he said he couldn't stand the sight of me becuase I had "insulted" him by complaining about his behaviour towards me to the school.
Mow, the teacher he was covering for is back, and I really like her, but due to the severe problems I had with the cover teacher, I just can't learn Italian, and there was no point in continuing.
I tried to get out before, but only now have I been granted leave from the class. I will still go to the lessons, but instead of doing the work for Italian, I will do work for other classes, which is fantastic. That has netted me about 7 hours over the next three weeks for revision during school time. Alos, Sports on a Wednesday ends an hour early, so that's another 3 hours. That's a lot of time to revise during school time.
Silver lining, eh?
Last night, I finished Half Life 2: Episode One. It only took me like three hours, but I liked the accelerated rate of progression. I am now, of course, working my way through Episode 2, and hope to have it done within the next couple of days.
After finishing the Orange Box, I plan to try and get through as much of Eternal Sonata as I can before I receive GTA IV. That gives me about two weeks.
Today, I finished Half-Life 2. I have to say, once I got the thing that controlled the Antlions, the game was constanly good. I'm just glad I have Episode One and Two on hand, 'cos I would be so annoyed if I had to stay with THAT ending for two or so years. I have started Episode One, and I'm past the 1st chapter. It looks a good deal better, and is just better thought through.
Last night I watched Mortal Kombat, the movie. It was terrible, apart from the ending, which was pretty lolz. I just didn't find it funny crap like I do with most films, but oh well! The next film I have coming from Lovefilm.com is "Land of the Dead", but I may change it to "Night of the Living Dead".
Thoughts of a Second Hand Gamer Episode 5
I will post it on GS in a couple of days as Glitchspot has ruined the uploading process twice.
I just watched the latest episode of the Bonus Round on GameTrailers, and I just knew I had to get GTAIV, 'cos I love the series, and I know this is going to be a huge game, so definitely worth the £40 price on GAME's website.
I'm really excited, to say the least. I used GAME 'cos they have excellent service apparently, so good in fact that people I know have received games a coupld of days early! Fingers crossed!
I was going to get a PS3 in August, once my GCSE results were out...coincidence?:P
Anyway, after looking at the number of games I want for it, it just doesn't justify the price tag. Oh, and I don't really like MGS that much, so I'm not hugely excited for MGS4. Add to that the only other two exclusive coming this year are Haze and Resistance 2, I'm just not particularly inspired, but hey, you never know, E3 may throw tonnes of new games at us.......though I highly doubt that.
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