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anton10000 Blog


I saw the new mini-series "Nametags" on Screwattack, and it was dire, absolute trash. Its the most boring thing I have ever seen on Screwattack. It seems that anything that doesn't come from Screwattack or PBC productions thats posted on is rubbish, and so far, thats held true.

Quest for Treasure!

I purchased Zack & Wiki today, and I absolutely dore everything about it! I'm only a few levels in, but I know thai is something special. Truely a must own game for the Wii!

Bioshock beaten!

Last night, I finished Bioshock, and the lass bosss fight was....epice, to say the least. I got the good ending, which I thought was really good. I got 850 points in total which is pretty good, but I don't think I'll go back through on hard, just because it was tough for me on normal, and I don't want to ruin my memories by lacing them with frustration.

I have no clue what to play next, which is lolz for how many games I have to finish.

I tried the two new XBLA games as well, and they were pretty dire, so I don't think I'll be buying them. I'll wait until Bionic Commando and Super Street Fighter II are released, and I'll also buy Rex HD and n+ all together.

The best just got better.

Bioshock has been glued into my 360, and last night alone I played 2 and a half hours. The story is really picking up as I head towards the grand finale.

Bioshock also got me past the 10000 achievement points. It doesn't show on my Gametage cos I haven't been on Xbox Live, but will tonight.

Episode 3.5.....

....will be exclusive to Youtube. Why? The viewing figures for the irst three episodes have been disappointing, while on Yotube they have been nothing short of phenomenal, with three hitting over 150 views, while the most one has got on GS is 33. Episode 4 will be on both sites, but due to the low viewing figures on GS, I am considering not to bother posting vlogs here outright.

Let's start a little hype.

I just bought a tonne of stuff from eBay from this one seller, and I'm buying some more stuff on Saturday, so I think its time for the next epsiode "Thoughts of a Second Hand Gamer". I'll be aiming for filming and uploading on Saturday, so yeah, look out for that.

Please don't leave....

I've been playing Bioshock quite a bit recently, and while I knew from the start that it was truly something amazing to behold, my complete thoroughness with the game, exploring every nook and cranny, has made me an attachment to Rapture that I don't want to end. I'm about half way through, just entering Fort Frolic. The Farmer's market was great fun, and the entertainment district should be even better. There's a good chance I will replay it on hard, something I almost never do.

I really don't want Bioshock to end. I will try and get all the Achievements, as I really don't want it to finish.