@Alurit: Agree, but this game actually isn't that bad. And the worst that could happen is if no one had any opinions at all. Now at least people are talking about the game. This comment thread kind of proves it.
Unfortunately for you Xbox players the Games with gold hasn't been that good. MS have to step it up a notch. I guess it's easier to make deals with publishers if you "lease" the game instead of giving it away and that might be the reason why there aren't any newer games within games with gold.
Funny how I don't count myself as a xbox player even though I own a 360 :)
@Sevenizz There are two ways not to access your ps+ games in the future. 1. You stop paying 2. The games are taken down from the servers.
If the Xbox360 "goes offline" how are you going to play your digital copies that you own?
In the end I see no difference aside from the fact that PS3/PS4 owners can play more new good games while it lasts. And in honesty, how often do you play your old xbox or ps2 or ps1 games?
I used to pay not to be bothered by commercials. Now I have no choice and even though I understand why they've gone down this road I cannot help being a little annoyed when every video start with a 30 second commercial. Aside from that, I do like the new site and the looks of it.
anzelm's comments