So there are no kinect titles at launch and for some regions no voice support which is the one unique feature X1 has?
This is turning out well for them. Why would I ever want a 100 dollar paper weight that can't do all those cool features they're trying to sell me on? You'll have to do better to convince me Microsoft.
@kohle36 The ds were released 2004. I took Nintendo nine years to figure out that they need a kid friendly device?
I don't buy it, there is something else behind but it's easier to say that it is for the kids. I have four kids and they 've been playing on our ds for six years now. They have played from the age of 4 years without any problems whatsoever. The statement from Nintendo is bs.
An on/off switch. Nice. I got the impression that talking to the kinect was the only way to turn it on ;)
Not a word as of yet when or even if there will be other language support besides English. We who live in other parts of the world will probably get all those fancy "talk to the machine"-stuff a couple of years from now because people with perfect English is the only ones that matter to MS, or?
Of course he is praising MS. Minecraft has made him a sh*tload of money on xbox360 and will be released on xbox1 for everyone to buy again. He would be stupid not to praise xbone, and Notch is far from stupid.
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