Each to their own but personally I feel good trading my games in for others (not been doing it long) as I feel like i'm sharing the joy I had when I played them. I've never been to any of the international games expo's so never had to try, or not try, to splurge on gaming memorabilia e.g. If you have the space, the money and an understanding partner splurge/buy these items. Personally it seems too expensive of a hobby compared to the buyin cheap games old and new (which i'm very keen and good at)
I own an xbox and its fantastic. The xbox achievements, the indie slection, the chat, the exclusive games and also the little things like being able to download whole games when the console is switched off. Console wars will be won on lost on how many they sell i.e. which exclusive games will players want the most. But sayin that I still want a PS3 because I want play the exclusives on their. Console wars are great because we get better games year on year because of them!!!
@punksterdaddy @arazmanaz Any others on the list u might also purchase? grippy? is that a scottish phrase meaning you make the most of your money? how was copper wire invented? :)
Wow! talk about being spoiled! if Playstation plus wasn't around I doubt this would even be happening. My backlog of games i'm still working through is embarrassing but i'll get Mass Effect, the orange box, Far cry 3 and maybe one more depending on the reasonablity of the prices
@branin05 @arazmanaz I do form an opinion but mainly on look at GS, metacritic and IGN (which I especially look for bias in) sometimes. For example Max Payne 3 got a very favourable score of 9 and decided not to get it. Only got it xbox live fire sale a few months ago. Also I love Res 4 and liked Res Evil 5 despite its limitations. Was gutted with the GS review score so said i'll never play it ever no matter how cheap it gets. But to answer your question yes I would abandon it if I got the demo was bad and the GS review was atrocious. I play many different games at different times so i'd just move on to another
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