Yeah I was surprised at how much when I saw articles that converted prices and wages to around 1950's values and such. People really are working harder than ever for a lower standard of living.
Gone are the days when you could have a family with one person being the "breadwinner" and such.
Oh please no! I don't want to need an online connection to eat my sandwich! And if it goes down, I only have 1 hour to eat that sandwich before it becomes inedible if Don Mattrick takes over my local subway.
Same reason I quit. When I saw patch 5.4 hit the test servers and the PVE and PVP gear I was working so hard on getting already obsolete, I just canceled my subscription and sighed.
I already played all of the other content I wanted to (story quests, dungeons, raids, etc.) so I was done.
May go back eventually to take down Garrosh, but that's only because I hate that prick, not because I love WoW.
Actually, a lot of players are married with kids and I play with some people like that, irl. Or did, until I quit. Some people meet and marry that way too.
Yeah, fair enough. Blizzard doesn't really have to worry, they can just release World of Starcraft, and bam, problems solved.
Plus, they can learn from and refine all the mmo advancements that have been happening since WoW streamlined Everquest and make a new paradigm. That is to say, they can take their competitors' ideas and make them better and combine them all into one system.
arc_salvo's comments