Wait a minute now! So they're afraid that people could gain an advantage in MP by grinding for credits in Arcade mode, but not worried about the people who could gain an advantage in MP by just paying for it? How fucking stupid do they think gamers are? Unbelievable...
@Raidendude153: If I was buying additional content outside of the main game, then you could say that I am defending loot boxes/P2W practices. However, since I am not, you cannot levy that claim against me.
@Raidendude153: I'm not defending any company's practices, I'm defending my right to do whatever I want with my $.
You certainly come off as arrogant making assumptions about people buying things to "fill a void in their lives". How tall of a ladder did you need to get up on that horse?
@Raidendude153: How am I a mindless "consumer whore" when I already said I wouldn't pay for any additional content beyond what I got with the base game? I knew full well going in that EA was pulling BS with the loot boxes, which is why I won't be purchasing any of them. The only mindless people I see is everyone jumping on the hate bandwagon, it's like mass hysteria over something that is pretty inconsequential in the scheme of things, (wish people would get this vocal about issues that actually matter).
As for the second part of your comment, I really have no defense against being a huge Star Wars fan and I can't see myself boycotting a game that is set in that universe. If in your estimation, that somehow means I am "bringing the industry down", then so be it.
@MetaMods: I should have been more specific. I'm referring to the endless posts I have been seeing here and on Gamefaqs with everyone screaming for a boycott of the game. Not you specifically ;)
@MetaMods: Blah, blah, blah. I'm not going to boycott a Star Wars game, period. I don't disagree that loot boxes or P2W sucks, which is why I won't pay extra for anything beyond the base game that I already paid for.
And everyone trying to tell everyone else what to do with their $ is BS. I earned it, I can spend it on whatever I like.
Personally, I'm loving this game. Kept me up way past my bedtime last night.
Bit tired of the mob mentality with this title. I get why people are pissed, but I'll definitely get my money's worth without spending any extra on loot boxes.
aross2004's comments