@makimaki: Calling others immature when you can't post a comment without using ridiculous terms like "bleeters", or saying things like "Wah, wah, wah"?
While I agree that some of this might be overblown, I think maybe you should check yourself before calling others immature.
@pj80: Need for Speed pissed me off even worse than BF2. It's basically the exact same scheme they're using for BF2 with random upgrade cards, but the shit is affecting the Single Player game! The fucking balls on EA...
@poe13: Agreed that the game looks and plays great, but I can't stand being treated like I'm too stupid to understand what's really going on. Every time EA or Dice tries to speak to this shit, they just say something even more ridiculous or inflammatory and make the whole situation even worse.
aross2004's comments