Jesus, every time EA opens their mouths lately, it's just to vomit out more ridiculous shit.
There are so many benefits to a more linear game, if it is done right. If the mechanics are completely tight, a more linear game allows you to focus on those mechanics instead of just throwing 10,000 points of (supposed) interest at you on some giant map.
If you have a great story, a more linear game can help you focus on, and tell that story better, (as opposed to having so much side shit that you forget what the story was even about once you're done being distracted by shiny collectible #599).
Doesn't mean I don't love epic open-world games, (if they're done right). EA is just so out of touch right now. If this was Japan, the fucking execs would be lining up to cut their own heads off in shame.
@videogameninja: Yooka-Laylee basically is Banjo-Kazooie, just with different characters. Guessing it's as close as we'll get for the foreseeable future.
@Jimbowesker: Ahh, I see it on the store. SO4 International version, nice!!! Downloading this puppy right now, thanks for the head's up, had no idea this was coming.
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