If they stick to the graphic novels, Negan isn't going anywhere soon.
I'm mixed on the character. I loved him in the comics, (love to hate type of thing), and I really like Jeffrey Dean Morgan, (he was so awesome as The Comedian in Watchmen).
But I'm not loving that pretty much every comment somehow relates back to his/someone else's dick or balls.
He's almost becoming a parody of himself a little bit.
Yet another EA clusterfuck with upgrade cards that prohibit the Single player game, unless you want to grind endlessly in the hopes that you randomly get a card that will allow you to progress with higher level races, or just shell out the moolah in the hopes that you randomly get a card that will allow you to progress with higher level races.
You thought this shit was egregious in an online game, see how pissed you get when you see it fucking up a mostly single player experience.
@Richardthe3rd: The second Punisher movie was awesome, (Punisher War Zone I believe). The level of violence in it was just off the hook! Better than the first movie, (I liked Thomas Jane as the Punisher, but that movie was just watered-down trash).
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