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artsterisyours Blog


[spoiler] ha! i new if it was a weird title you would read! [/spoiler]

two things are on my mind right now.

1. my sister. literally. she is on my head. :P

real 1. the rick roll.


the rick roll is because i was watching the nyan nyan dance.

the title was NYANROLL so it reminded me of a rickroll which reminded me of the anti-rickroll! :P

if you play two at the same time it sounds like theyre in a cave :D

numbah 2 = I asked my mom and sucked up for a while and she said she could probably take me to GAMESTOP for super mario galaxy 1 ! i can't wait!

EDIT:im going to see shrek 4 in 3-d before i get the game! :D this is worth huzzahing :Phuzah

wow has anyone notice my blogs getting longer or is it just me?


it is decided

i will prioritize.

1. go to gamestop

2. write a blog deciding weather to get smg 1 or 2 whichever one until my eyes bleed.

so the qusetion is....

1 or 2?

smg 1 got a 9.5 while smg 2 got a 10!

which one????!?!!!!!

p.s. [spoiler] pie! :P [/spoiler]

lazy poll

read the comment my computer is messin up. the comment is the actual blog. :( sc**w my computer for being so dumb. onj a random note i had to take ALL my textbooks home so i practically broke my back with 100lb!

blob/ my boredom.

i finsished jfa and got a slurpee cuz i wuz bored. i was so bored i started playing those educational mah parents bought. 7:10 is how many i beat. i foind 20$ so i will but T&T on ebay later. this is mah last week of school. im going ta bed now knowing i had a short blog!




heh you know you like how my endings change :P

AH! almost the same xact thing happened to me!!!!!!

like i said i was reading sirra's blog and i remembered something like that happened to me! FLASHBACK:

artster! I know you want to get your little sis Wifi so don't break the computer dad said

k dad i wont (i never do) i said/thought

i was hacking into my computer as usual

but, i couldn't remember the wifi code to help mah sis.

so i had my older sis help.

she pressed a button and sure enough we got wifi for her.

last time i tried it was much harder and i broke the computer so dad had to fix it.

when i tried to get on afterwards it told me i wasn't getting any brodband signal.

so long story short my sis clicked the OFFLINE buuton that the computer asked her to press! :)

the computer asked her to shut it down!

My dad got ****ing ****ed at us and fixed the computer. it was scary how mad he was!

bye. :D

Attention: this blog has been raTED BORING!

:D did you like the title?:) :| :( :? :x :oops: sorry. I haven't been able to write a blog since Friday but, i have been activebecause i broke my wrist. I had a friend over to help me beat Pw: 2 which i acquired on Saturday. I was doing handstands on my bed and he dropped his DS causing me to lose mah balance, i landed on a sheet from my bed and slid catching myself awkwardly against a wall.
My arm was hurting but, i thought that i was perfectly fine so the next day we got it X-rayed and my wrist had broken. I got A splint on and I still have it on right now. i now have a glow in the dark cast! :P

PW: 2 news:

Im at the end of case 3. I might get trials and tribulations faster than I thought. Because every time I get all A's I get a free videogame from mah parents. I had my final band concert 2 days ago. I play trumpet and some recognizable songs include: George of the jungle, Do wah diddy, and the office theme song! :P Myscience went to the planetarium for a field trip though ive been a bagillion times. Nothing else interesting happened so (cept i just beat case 3 now im hired to defend Matt Engarde! :|bye homeskillets.

blah blah blabitty blah blah

short blog

i added sirra's bf aaron to mah friends

i need a technique to help me learn the basics of subordinating conjunctions.

i need help to memorize a list given to me. any ideas?

p.s. im running %k (3 miles) so i wont be on fer a while.

short blog

'bye "homeskillets" (metaphysically)

yes today is different than yesterday

ATTENTION:today is different then yesterday.

i might change my advisory room because my teacher is insane.

by the way you guys/girls need to watch:

dragon ball Z abridged

the duck song

Leather pants

yu gi oh abridged!


i think all thouse video's are hilariously great! :D

todayat 1:40 (technically tommorow)i will have Justice
heh Justice For All to be exact.

Its a phoenix wright game, the one ive been talking about!

its dicontinued but, on ebay its only 10.50$ hooray! (it went up a bit)

my homework:

read the illiad (self insisted)

read the oddesy (self insisted)

watch season 11 of Doctor Who (awesome supernatural tv show(self implemented) )

GOOD BYe homerskills

blog titles are useless anyway

tommorow or wednesday at 11:40 i will have Justice
heh:oops: Justice For All to be exact.

Its a phoenix wright game, the one ive been talking about!

its diconttinued but, on ebay its only 9.00$ hooray!

this has been a short blog.

my homework:

read the illiad (self insisted)

read the oddesy (self insisted)

write an epic poem (its an actual type :P )

sleep (self insisted)

watch season 11 of Doctor Who (awesome supernatural tv show(self implemented) )

wow i have a lot of homework that i made myself do!

Yay homework! bOO teachers! (p.s a teacher tried to strangle mah friend yesterday cuz he was talking! :evil: