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artsterisyours Blog

this i find kinda funny!

i have to do something i have to reveal my age so that this upcoming blog will make sense

these were my results from taking a mock driving test.

i had never heard of it before much less sen it.

i thought my results were funny! :P

i wont take a driving test for three years cause im 13.

i thought i new everything about driving but, i didn't

that is all.

i have want!1!!!!!!!!

right now im playing mariio and luigi partners in time the sequel i the RPG series. i hate to do alot of blogs but im so evious of all the playstasiiion owners. Why?

i want KINGDOM HEARTS!!!!!! i know everything about it and stuff you dont want to know but i want the game and my parents wont ever get me a playstaion. i have to get the 3ds so i can get 3ds kh! i also want skyward sword! what to do!!!! i have to get kh quickly so there arent too many games that i cant get so what do i do!!!!!!!

also i f i were to get all the for the systems i have wii,ds,gameboy what would those games be? i have a lot to say n a couple days!!! i have a huge dilemma!!!

also on a random note:

in MLPIT im in gritzy caves im leveling up as high as possible but what level should i be at to beat petey pirahna? if you know that would help!

sorry for all theses blogs i wont blog til thurs day!


i was just tagged by clear dagger Courtney817, Out-Of-Ammo, and Berto64 you have been tagged! :P

Artster lieks:




5.yogurt (in germany yoghurt! :P)

artster hates:

1.missing deadlines

2.getting tagged

3. being bored

4. my sisters

5. having my birthday be on sept.1 which when i was born was Labor day! :P

that is all sorry for so many new blogs.

pc game

i played a new flash game called transformice and its pretty fun i play on kongregate so look foor Artster!

thats really all.

stuff thats good edit

1. i have begun writing my story i have a sentence already on the page. :P

2. little green dog is unbanned.:D

3. i slept forever and feel really good.

and finnaly 4.

if you haven't noticed i have been doing things less.

its cause i have been n my sisters computer login which won't let alot of stuff on the computer.

usually im on my parents but, they found out i knew the password for the eleventy billionth time.

i just found out what i think it is.

if itis i will be on alot more!

actually, number five. i got tials and tribulations for my dsi!

im on case 2 out of five!

EDIT:i voted for manfred von karma in the worlds greatest villians. thta guy is just damn evil!!

Wait, what?

ugh. this can't happen!!!!!! i had a prestene record (spotless?) of never getting tagged!!!! but now it happend!!! oh by the way courtney817 i have now no reason for that blog comment. :(

if you missed me i was practicing trumpet.

if you didn't im deleting your friend status. :lol:

i was actually also playing harvest moon DS cute which is the girl version.

now the game was my older sisters but wlie she was away i was looking for something in her wormhole closet and i found the game and also found out that i had a very successful file with a lotta animals.

every week or so on my blog i'll post my animals, their names, who i want to marry and how close i am to marriage also the sprite count.

but back to the first topic:

Sgt yoshi tagged me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Artster is liking:

1. videogames

only games that don't involve skill. like if skeeball was a videogame. zelda doesn't count as skill because i can always cheat!!! (only in hard times)


i will drink anything fizzy because its probably good!


i like Deathnote, Rosario+Vampire, Naruto, pokemon (manga series) , and alot of others.


all my awesome friends all the awesome unions because everybody is always nice!

5. my family

they made break anything and everything i own but, i still love them even to the end of my rope! :P

artster hates:

1. new game systems

the newest 3DS is annoying cause the 3DS games only play on the three ds so i have to buy one to play knigdom hearts.

2. having my records broken

my longest record was broken when i read my pm saying im tagged.


you burn more calories eating it than gaining? it tastes horrible! Blech!!!


i dont like the taste. i hope we run out of them.

5.mean people

if your mean i don't like you. im not a pacifect but no being mean!

on a complety related note today i have decided to write a fanfiction about....... Yu-Gi-Oh!!!!!!!!

Fanfiction- (Fa~n`f^ic*tio-n) a story completly made up by a fan for a tv show or book.

its going to be about yugi loving bakura and the Yami's hating eachother.

if you dont know what im talking about skip down until you see this:::::;:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::

somehow yami yugi (yy) and yami bakura(yb) are stuck in jail together so they have to escape before the end.bye for now.

For real though "im too tired to fall asleep."-fireflies

in case you don't know fireflies is a song that was popular months ago. you rarely hear nowadays.

sorry if i accidentally suprised you by not blogging posting or interacting in any way.

if you have too know i'll tell you the good and bad news.

Bad news-

my older sister was on our only computer at like 12:00 looking up lyrics to a song that was not even midly inapropriate and shazam!

all these PoR* links popped up!!! :o she clicked out of all of them and then the computer detected something the next morning.

(every day we have a computer virus scan.)

it found 17 TROJAN virus'!!!!! :o we almost had to destroy the computer it was so bad!

so that is why i couldn't do my homework.(excuse):P


my sister is going (same one ) on a trip to see our grandparents in Vermont and she left a day ago to satay for a week.

its good cuz she's lucky and she is gone!!! WWOOHHOO! FRAT PARTY! toga!

that is all.

im still not tired even though i want to go to sleep.

mabye i'll have some heart warming tea.....ZZZZZZZzzzzzz....... *snore*

short lazy blog.

a dark swirl has been forming over gs for a while now and its been getting bigger and bigger.

I'm usually the nice not shy kid who sits at a table and radiates friendship.

but now ive dunnit i said something rude and now i can never take back what i said or make it disappear. (i could erase it but the victim already saw the killer)

i can only say sorry so many times until it goes into meaninglessness.

i would make it longer but then i would be adding to the evil swirls above our heads. so i will yell loud and proud!

I AM SORRY FOR WHAT I SAID mariostar! i should have stopped it before it came.

now i can only hope he forgives..

this was an emotional unload.

also on a completely happy note i found out yesterday that i have BRONCITUS!!! yay! :lol:

*post internet reference here* its a shorty blog fyi.

today is thedreaded,unliked,feared, THE DAY OF MY LITTLE SISTERS BIRTH!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :P you thought it was going to be me huh?

If anyone knows anything that means yesteray i had to go shopping with my older sister.

we went to the mall and went to see The Last Airbender: and if you have ever watched the show they do EVERYTHING WRONG!!!

offf topic:

here is all the charachters named so far.

Aang-supposed to be pronounced A-ng but its movie name is Aung

sokka-Sah-kuh They so-ka

and a hole lotta other stuff.


we went to a store called justice (if you don't know it look it up.) which is for 8 yr old girls. And they had a SALE!! so i was standing in line with a glow in the dark sports watch for my now 10 yr old sis. it killed something inside me and it smelled horrible.

we went outside and of course it was raining.

this isn't really a short blog cause i didn't think it would be long.

thats about all i had to tell you

BUT WAIT, ther's more!

i haven't really explained my videogame life at all and my account doesn't even have half the games i actually have.

i just beat smg1, then bought smg2, then beat it. my parents made up a list of dumb rules yesterday that say alot of dumb stuff but the one i care about most is the 2 hours of videogames only. or screens. so this blog is on borrowed time,

i might not be on very much but i will routinly check every day. iwas bored so i decided to reawaken my dinosaur....


so now im in the middle of Minish Cap zelda.

this blog should have been over a while ago i thought it was only going to be a paragraph but, look it's like a page long!1!


by: Artster