@Pelezinho777: ...might be time for some new, stable hardware. Or at the very least, clear your directory. I'm running it on a 10 year old, customized Dell that came with Vista back in the day. Have yet to have any errors. But hey, if you love stability & dated OS's, might I suggest MSDosshell or Win3.1.1? Way better than Win95.
@Klyern: You really shouldn't insult people you don't know, assuming them ignorant for whatever reason. For your information, I also have a Vita (as well as 11 other handhelds & at last count over 40 consoles - 16 of which are JPN - with only 6 being duplicates). I also lived in Japan for nearly 5 years, can both speak & read Japanese, and have worked as press at TGS. I'm well aware of what constitutes a flop, and that is exactly what the Vita is: you can do your own research on software (& hardware) sales figures. That's not to say I don't take it everywhere I go, constantly playing Teraria. Heck, I'm now using it to stream my PS4 games, such as FO4 while my wife plays something else.
Interesting that you consider the 3DS hardware superior and not the vocabulary. That runs contrary to the majority of industry opinions. Like you, I love the 3D, but until the New3DS, most people seemed to turn it off (according to experience & gaming with others). That, and it's backwards compatible (region free for DS - unless the game is DSi), so you can even play Japanese only titles such as Ni no Kuni (the PS3 version is...augh).
Finally, I only own Japanese games on my Vita, and the Japan only games you speak of, well, at least 85% percent of them are games you would be ashamed to tell you're friends you're playing. The other 15% are rhythm games & poor anime fan service games. Some of the other ones, such as Muramasa are available on other consoles or are completely inaccessible to non-Japanese speakers. All of the once JP EXCLUSIVE ones I own, like Ys, were subsequently released here. There are very few quality games that haven't been, whereas games such as EX Troopers, Fantasy Life, or Dragon Quest 7 on the 3DS have never made it here.
Liking the statement, "For the purpose of maximizing the population that interact with Nintendo IP, we will also enter into the smart device gaming business and aim to generate revenue and profit from it as well as to create synergy with the dedicated video game platform business."
Creating a synergistic financial & complementary-content relationship between IP & other gaming ventures will bolster development & sales, big time. Here's to hoping it's more than hot air XD
@skyhighgam3r: Although enjoyable in groups, the Wii & WiiU were a disappointment in terms of software vocabulary. Point taken. But the 3DS? Sorry mate, but I take it you've never spent time with one. There's a reason it sells like hot cakes to this day while the Vita, like its predecessor flopped.
Yesterday afternoon, I finally received two emails for one of my two accounts. Later that evening, five more for that account & nine for my other one. I might have smelt of desperation, hahaha
astro_viper's comments